Chapter 27: Bad Decisions

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A/N: For a better experience while reading, play the media when you see the ""

Cries echoed through the small apartment as the toddler stood on his toes, the baby felt uneasy in this not at all familiar setting, his cries became louder and louder which did not make Rebeca happy in the slightest bit.

For the first time in ages, she didn't knew how to proceed with the upcoming situation, nothing was planned, she was genuinely blindsided and frustrated. There had to be something, she had to have a move, take the advantage she possessed at the moment.

But the more she tried, the least she'll get; and the whiny little human did not help, as it made it all too difficult as the different set of murmurs inside her brain started creaking on the surface.

Rebeca let out a gutural sound, a raw and deep stretch of her vocal cords that sound anything but human.

"Why doesn't he stop?" the blonde girl thought to herself, as she ran her long fingers through her messy gold locks that now seemed to lose all glow and silkiness that it had at first. It was as if her mental state could no longer be hidden with her perfect polish looks, just as a deathly virus spreading around the body, destroying everything through its path until there's nothing more than a million pieces held together with a thin line of despair.

"SHUT UP!" She finally yelled at the baby whose face was red and puffy, to her surprise he did comply to her demand as he reduced himself to whimper below his breath, staring at the hectic woman with his bottom lip raised, forming an innocent pout.

"Screaming at a toddler... real classy Beck" when she turned around Hiram was looking at her with that iron gaze that could make anyone's blood freeze.
"He's just like the stupid Irish scum, I got rid of her for a reason and now I got a version of her in diapers!"
"STOP WHINING!" He erupted furiously making Rebeca jolt in fear and keep quiet, slowly losing her strength to speak as a painful lump formed around her vocal chords "Don't you realize how stupid you're acting? You're losing time! Instead of bullying a toddler you should use your god damn brain. That is if you still have one"

There was a prolonged period of silence, until Hiram finally grabbed his arms around her body trapping her arms within his uncomfortable embrace.

"I'm sorry"

Although he was apologizing, his tone revealed nothing, it was easy to see it was an dull apology and something told her that Hiram was already well-aware of it, but he made no effort to hide it whatsoever.

Maybe that's what hurt the most, the problem for her wasn't the fact he mistreated her, but the fact that he had the guts to say sorry when he didn't even felt it to begin with.
Regardless, her brain repeated the same thing over and over.

"He loves me. He loves me for who I am"

Reality was that he was only abusing her and taking advantage of the means to an end. Worst of all, was that the mortified parents were closer to unravel their child's unknown location.

The man's cheekbone was forced onto the cold metal table, his hand pressed painfully upon his upper back, he groaned trying his best to hold down the pain but it was useless. The young mother was driven by the despair and sadness of missing her child.

"You better start talking Dom" a smile played upon his lips, irritated by the situation pressed harder onto the grip she held making Dom grimace in pain.
"I do know where she is, but I can't assure you she won't have a trap waiting" both parents looked at each other, Eve finally let go of Dominique just for her fiancé to take care of the situation.

A distinct fire glowed within Ivan's pupils, he pulled onto Dominique's shirt and stared at glared at him harshly, a moment of silence past before a devilish smirk was plastered upon his lips "Which is why you're coming with us. You'll be the lab rat, so let's go. Lead the way" at such dark tone in his voice, Dom gulped involuntarily; they all knew what Rebeca was capable of and in light of the situation he would be the easy kill.

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