Chapter 12: Acceptance

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"HOW DID YOU GOT TO HER?" Ivan roared holding Dom by the collarbone, the guy, only limited himself to smirk

"Is my job to know every single thing, Ivan. Let's just say I took your strategy as a profit, getting close to her isn't that hard, you know?" Ivan gritted his teeth, pushing him forcefully onto the wall

"What the fuck did you do?" He muttered outrageously "WHAT DID YOU TOLD HER?"

"What she wanted to hear, that there was a way for you to be together and the poor idiot bought it cause well, she's in love"

"But WHY AN ARCHANGEL YOU FUCKING IDIOT! You could've just made her a damn snooper!" His fists clenched around the fabric of his black tank top with such force his knuckles turned white.

"Well that was kind of the plan at first but I meant what I said, she has potential and the girl may come in handy"

His whole body filled with rage as he listened to his long time rival, talk about the love of his life, as she was nothing; just a pawn in a chess game. The boy couldn't allow that, so in the blink of an eye his right fist was connected to Dom's cheek with an unbelievable force.

Since, he didn't really do anything to fight it back, his whole body fell to the floor, due to the impact his cheekbone pumped in pain.

"Stay the fuck away from her. You only train her and that it" Dom sit up, arching a brow

The boy scoffed  "What? She can't have friends now? I don't think Eve likes a territorial boyfriend Ivan" he teases slyly, Ivan threw him a small metal weight, which Dom barely got to dodge.

Ivan eyes glistening with rage, every muscle in his body tensed, he breathed hard, chest going up and down like an angry wolf.

Deep down and even when he obviously would never admit it, Dom felt severely threatened, maybe even partially scared.

"Don't fucking test me Columbus. Either you listen or imma make you, I can bare your bullshit. I have ever since we were 18 and you were nothing more than a slim, dirty, homeless boy my mother decided to put to my charge."

Dom gulped slightly, trying to keep a straight face as hard as he could.

"Or what?" He snapped stepping closer to Dom, looking down upon him "You suddenly forget how easy I used to knock you down even when you're 6 years older?" He remained silent, staring at him right in the eye.

Ivan got on one knee, resting his arm on his knee. The anger was visible in his features even when his eyes were blank "I made you who you fucking are today. So when I tell you to stay the fuck away from my girl, you listen"

The European boy finished of by strongly slapping Dom across the cheek, the boy look back at him, his cheek instantly turning red.

After that he walked out of there at a firm pace and without really noticing he walked past Eve's new room, but for his luck, she did saw him.

"Ivan!" She called him out and he had no other choice to stop and turn to her with a serious expression to hide his broken heart.

Every time he saw her, his eyes inevitably landed onto her brand new tattoo, she was changing or at least was going to, he didn't want that.

"Archangel" He stated respectfully with no emotion in his tone whatsoever, the girl's heart dropped

"You don't have to call me that. I'm still me"
"Are you really?" He snapped furiously "Cause the Eve I know wouldn't had done this" her eyes began to inevitably water at his words.

"You have to understand-" Ivan furiously stumped inside and closed the door shut.

"What do I need to fucking understand Genevieve? That you fucking went behind my back and decided to become the Archangel out of fucking nowhere when I specifically explained you the risk?".

She looked down

"You lied, you went behind my damn back and you want me to be fucking happy about it? Eve you would've never done this!" As he spoke the girls fists clenched and she began to shake slightly.

She couldn't hold it any longer, so she looked up at him as her salty tears fell down her cheeks.

"We could've figured it out without having to come to this! Look, I get it that you feel bad" Genevieve scoffed, interrupting him.

"That's just it, Ivan. I don't" at her words, Ivan seemed taken back and for the first time in hours he actually allowed his emotion to show, the surprise.

"W-what?" He couldn't help but stammer. What was she saying?

"In fact I would do it again and this time I wouldn't hesitate" Ivan couldn't help but feel intimidated at the seriousness in his words.

"You're not serious" the boy stated fearfully
"She was gonna kill us if I hadn't done it. You even heard her, I had to do what I had to do, you know it"

Goosebumps ran down his spine at her words. She couldn't actually be serious

"I feel nothing, so if I came here it was because I thought it was the best and this way we can be together, we don't need to hide anymore" there was some type of hope in her voice

The girl came closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck "It's scary Ivan, I know. Believe me it's the same for me. I have no idea of what I'm doing, but I know you'll be here. That's what matters to me"

Ivan looked up at her with sad eyes "Eve... you don't understand, being the Archangel puts you as a target, people, whole gangs would want to kill you for what you represent"

She cupped his face in her tiny, cold hands. "Hey, I'll learn, okay?"
"I don't wanna lose you"
"You won't. I promise it'll be okay, I'll do anything I need to in order to stay alive" he couldn't hold himself anymore and went for a kiss, holding her waist and refusing to ever let go.

It's true that he may hadn't been exactly thrilled with her choice, he was beyond terrified, honestly. She did lie to him but he couldn't be mad at her, it was the love of her life we were talking about.

His love will always be greater than any argument they may ever have. It was also truth what Genevieve pointed out. They could be together now without having to hide, to pretend nor lie.

Finally they could be together and if they had to give up on some peace to do it, then so be it, but right now they were determined to at least enjoy this time alone.

They was a big day ahead of them after all.

That's how the ended here. The next morning on Eve's bed, underneath the bedsheets Ivan couldn't help but suddenly feel complete.

Right in that moment, where, the girl he so dearly loved curled up in his chest, looking for his well known embrace.

So, he did exactly that, holding her with both arms around her as she looked down at the fast asleep and naked girl.

God, she was so beautiful, he thought to himself and he wanted to stay there, in bed, holding her close and forgetting the rest of the world existed.

He barely slept that night but he couldn't be more happy.

"Eve" he whispered in her ear sweetly, waking her up even though her eyes were still closed, she groaned and Ivan couldn't hold back his smile.

"Wake up baby" slowly her eyelids opened, letting him have a perfect, close view to those bright dark green eyes, his heart leaped at the sight and he flashed a smile

"We have training today and I won't go easy on you, you're the Archangel after all" he reminded her playfully.

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