Chapter 25: Bitter Sweet

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For the thousandth time in days Ivan was watching back the camera recording that contained the last image of his son, his stomach dropped again and he could not help but feel nauseous at the sight of her sister holding his son. Sadness followed as he heard the boy call out for him several times before he disappeared, seeing him giggle, not knowing what danger was he really on.

He froze the recording and admired his child's eyes, defeated he sighed and looked down, feeling helpless, without a doubt the feeling of longing and uncertainty of not knowing if he was even still alive was gnawing him away. 

On the other hand, Genevieve was completely out of her mind, she drifted away from her lover as the only thing in her mind was the goal of having the satisfaction of holding his baby boy again and make his captor pay. She hadn't slept in days, thinking over and over various  ways to find her son and training relentlessly. Both parents were so drifted that it had been days since someone-or anyone for that matter-had seen them together.

Today, wasn't any different as it was barely 2 p.m and the fierce archangel was already dripping in sweat. Breathing hard she stopped for a minute, trying to ease her nerves. Later she went inside her room, determinated to end with the unpleasant odor of sweat.

Freezing cold water traveled down the girl's body and it felt like minor release to the tension she kept trapped. Minutes later she got out of the shower and quickly got dressed keeping a small towel to dry her hair with. Someone knocked on the door as she carried out this action, so she left the towel on the chair right next to the door and tiredly she opened up.

Looking back into those blue orbs was an indescribable feeling, specially as his features flashed a worried expression, in some way she felt annoyed as the only thing she would want at the moment was to be left alone, but both of them knew that wasn't gonna happen.

"Let me in" he asked simply, the girl stared at him for a couple seconds before finally doing as told. He slowly came into the room and looked at the girl he so deeply fell in love with, she looked so lost and either way still as beautiful; but her presence wasn't glowing anymore, it was somewhat dull and blunt.

"What are you doing here Emilio?" She asked bluntly 

"I'm worried about you Gennie, this is not healthy I know you wanna get Cameron back but-" she clenched both fists at the mention of her missing son

"No. You don't get it Emilio, you don't have a kid, so whatever pity words you have, just spare them" Eve spat, turning around but instantly the boy grabbed his arm around her wrist forcing her to face him then again. 

"Genevieve" he said firmly as she tried to free her wrist 

"What? What do you fucking want?" She groaned, Emilio then grabbed his arms around her, embracing her small frame into his tenderness. At first, she attempted to push him off but this only caused that the older twin held her even tighter. Genevieve hit his chest with less and less intensity as she whimpered and sobbed truly heartbroken.

Stroking her hair as she cried was one of the most reassuring things he could've done at that moment as in the present time she could not rely on Ivan as he was having it just as painful for her or maybe even more. Emilio cupped her delicate face within his hands and looked deep within those dark green eyes he was foolishly mesmerized by; he wiped away the tears in her eyes with the bare tip of his thumbs.

"We will find him Eve, I promise" he said reassuring

"I feel like I'm losing my head" she whispered softly as if it was something she was embarrassed of acknowledging, the blonde boy smiled at her, the same glow that moments ago was lost he found it hidden in the depths of her eyes

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