Chapter 26: Say "Ka-Boom"

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"Can we just talk Genevieve?"  He urged but the girl simply ignored him and went away, he sighed knowing it was useless to try and talk to her, at least for the moment. He still hadn't seen the ring that laid on her finger. That was also another reason to avoid him as well, two days had just went by and Genevieve felt like a lifetime had passed.

Her feelings were clear, there was nobody that she would love more than she did with Ivan, Only conflict she had was knowing that the news would affect Emilio in a negative way, as selfish and horrible it would sound, the girl could not help but think things would have been easier, but reality was they weren't.

She had also been too busy trying to find her son, the day before Rebeca had send a message and since then, the girl had dedicated her whole energy in the decryption of the girl's location. She had said it was only Genevieve could do, almost like a dare to the young mother.

"How did she knew that you're a coder?" Ivan asked confused 

"Don't underestimate her. She might be crazy but she's driven. She gets what she wants using whatever resources she has" People could see her working as they walked around, others that only stood behind looked at the screen not understanding the symbolism of each and every code that the screen flashed but Eve worked perfectly, forgetting about everything as all her focus fell upon the computer.

Suddenly the codes stopped showing only flashing four set of numbers on the screen, two on top and two at the bottom. The girl smiled only to herself "Couldn't make it easy, could you Rebeca?" Everyone waited expectingly for the Archangel to speak and it would not take really long before she unraveled the mystery.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have coordinates. Let's get to work" she demanded and everyone complied without having a second thought at all. A weight was lifted from her shoulders as she realized she was just a step closer to be reunited with her son again.

Perhaps it was all the tension, but she decided to walk away, and as Emilio devised her further and further away he immediately decided to go behind her, he found it hard to walk through the crowd but it was far harder to keep his feelings quiet and at bare.

Because no matter what the brain knows; the wishes of a heart deep in love will always be greater than any human reasoning.

Her small frame could be seen hiding under the curtains of the biggest bedroom window and just as she heard steps behind her back, her head turned to the side just enough for her to see those somewhat pleading blue eyes admiring her. Instinctively, she played around with her engagement ring before completely facing who would be her brother-in-law in a not so long period of time.

"Emilio you need to leave, seriously" at such words, his heart sunk, but he was determined for her to listen to what he had to say

"Genevieve, we need to talk" he said stepping closer to her, a serious look upon his far, she stepped aside from the window 

"No, just forget about it. Emilio it was a mistake, the sooner you forget about it, the better" she said, whereas her voice trembled slightly, she did not want to tell him, their friendship meant so much to her and the last thing she would wish right now would be breaking the boy's heart.

"Don't you see I can't? God... I wish it was as easy as you say but every fucking time I go back to that moment" he tried his best to explain "I remember your hands, your lips, it's something I can't escape from" as he continued to speak he grabbed his arms around her waist again. Regardless of how Eve was trying to put some distance between them by pushing her hands against his shoulders 

"Stop... you need to stop Emilio!" She exclaimed pushing him away just enough to break free from his grasp, the boy was at the verge of tears at such response from her part, being blinded by his feelings and frustrations 

"Why can't you realize I'm in love with you?" He questioned the girl, she could only look at him dumbfounded as a knot was felt in the pit of her stomach 

"You what?"  A male voice hissed deeply and both of them tensed, as they knew Ivan was standing right beneath the doorstep and God knows how long had he been there and most of all, how much had he managed to hear of the conversation. When he stepped inside he seemed to be fuming and both of them stood there frozen.

For a moment they looked at each other, Eve shook her head but Emilio put a straight face to his brother and had enough courage to say the most sincere, and yet stupid words he had ever said nor thought.

"I fell in love with Genevieve" something inside Ivan snapped, his whole body tensed and he attempted to take a step in Emilio's direction, but Genevieve knowing his intentions quickly grabbed his forearm.

"That better be a fucking joke Emilio" he threatened his brother 

"No. No it's not. I'm tired of hiding what I feel for her. God dammit, I just wanna bd selfish for once!" He yelled frustrated, making his twin snort.

"For once? You've been selfish your whole fucking life, asshole!" He roared, but he was getting on Emilio's nerves as well.

"I didn't chose to love her, okay?"

"But she doesn't love you! Get that in your damn head!" The older twin's heart broke in half at hearing those words, because deep down he knew it was true, but he was stubborn and foolish enough to keep denying it, some unknown emotion crossed is eyes and what he was about to say next would be almost deathly.

"Why did we kiss then?" 

The question flowed in the deathly silence, the tension in his body fell as he became inevitably startled with such information, Ivan felt his ears buzzing, he longed his brother to the ground and started punching him relentlessly, a single tear ran down his cheek as he did so and the poor girl still tried her best to stop the fight as she pulled him away from Emilio.

But the fury within him was undoubtedly stronger, his mind was elsewhere as he was driven by his primal instincts; simply because no matter how much does the world evolve, when human kind loses control, the incorregible animal inside us will be shown.

Screams echoed through the room until Genevieve could finally pull the two boys apart, the couple fell sitting on the ground and she could only think enough to grab her whole arm across Ivan's chest from behind with the small hope that this would be a better resistance. The three of them were breathing hard, tired and impassioned.

"Either you tell him or I do" Ivan said, she looked at Emilio and when looking at his reddish face, she felt a lump on her throat, but she knew it had to be done. Her heart will always belong to Ivan and she had to make it clear once and for all.

"We're getting married"

If before his heart was broke in half, at this very moment, he could even hear it shattering until it turned to dust, his chest tightened as he finally had the confirmation he needed to give up, yet he didn't feel better, he felt worse. Way worse.

Emilio Martinez had been broken hearted in the worst way humanity could ever know of. 

By having hope.

Because having hope means to be utterly vulnerable to reality, hope can drive us to a future,  but reality could kill it with a single snap of the fingers. In this case, Emilio's hope had driven him to believe he could have a future by Genevieve's side, whereas reality was she was marrying his brother.

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