Chapter 18: Rebeca

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WARNING: Explicit or descriptive scenario of a panic attack, please skip if you're sensitive to this type of stuff.

The Archangel woke up that morning, not being aware of the absence of Ivan at all, so when she got to the main room, it was obviously surprising all the people that seemed to be planning something, she couldn't quite make up the words that were spoken through silent whispers.

"What's going on?" She asked, and Cameron looked at the girl, avoiding her analytic gaze and cursing under her breath she had to be put through this situation.
"Eve, you need to know something" Genevieve crossed her arms, in expectation of whatever her friend had to say, the body position making her bump show a little more, the leader of snoopers gulping as her eyes fell on the baby bump for a second.
"What is it? Tell me" she spoke authoritative

Cameron took a deep breath, and laid her hands on the girl's shoulders, slowly indicating her to sit down as she pulled her down, Eve looked at her both frustrated and confused. "Rebeca took Ivan" she stated.
She let for a minute the news to sink in, Genevieve's mind processed the news, at first she did not believe it, rather she could not bring herself to that idea.

"Rebeca? As in Ivan's psychopath sister, Rebeca?" She asked dumbfounded, her gray haired friend pursed her lips as she softly, and unfortunately, nodded her head.
Something in the girl's eyes shifted, it was a clouding emotion, but Cameron could not really tell what it was.

Eve stood up and even when Cameron asked where she was heading to, there was not an answer as she stomped and ignored everything and everyone around her, as an only goal set in her mind.

"Your psychopath daughter has Ivan, either you do something, or I will" that was something she wouldn't say with a clear mind.

Irrupting in the middle of a council meeting, to make a certainly harsh statement to your mother in law, where you call your her daughter-also your sister in law,which you haven't met-"a psychopath" isn't exactly something she would do to coherently.
Maybe it was the mix of all the stress, worry and a bit of pregnancy hormones.

"I'm working on it Genevieve" the woman spoke calmly standing up "I can assure you I'm just as interested in getting my son back home just as much as you do" she spoke softly, being careful not to belie her irritation towards the girl, after all, strong emotions could cause a miscarriage.
For obvious reasons, anyone could tell there was a lot of strong emotions going around in this very moments. There was certainly no need to put more pressure onto a pregnant-and highly volatile-teenager.

"You have 2 hours to figure something out, if not. I'm taking action, with all due respect, we cannot afford to lose time when Ivan's life is in the hands of someone mentally unstable" and with that, she walked off.

As harsh as it was, and regardless of how bad Marisol would have loved screaming back at her for defying her authority-especially with the council present-deep down, and even when it was hard for her as a mother to admit, she knew Eve was right; Rebeca was indeed mentally ill, having her as the kidnapper of her son, being no one else but his own sister was putting the European woman into a moral conflict.

Because even when it was not spoken-mainly cause nobody really had the courage to-, every single one of people working for this organization, just knew that this could never be a clean and safe rescue, one way or another someone would get hurt.
Rebeca Martinez was a killing machine, one whom, was most likely to have or experience a lot of strong toxic emotions, such as resentment and loads of outrage that were obviously gonna be focused on her brother. What the mother feared the most was the interactions between Ivan and Rebeca throughout this.

Ivan gets easily irritated and gets really defensive, plus the harsh attitude he showed whenever he felt threatened or even annoyed in the slightest bit, this was something had began to develop throughout the years. Right now it was something Marisol was definitely reproaching herself allowing to her youngest child.

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