Chapter 23: Oh Baby!

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"YOU DID WHAT NOW?" She yelled angrily in disbelief
"Eve please calm down"
"You seriously have to be kidding me Ivan! You went to see- no, you went to provoke your sister and this baby is gonna be in far more danger than ever!"
"She deserved it!"
"Whether she deserved it or not, you have to think about YOUR KID FIRST" she yelled back at him and sadly, it was true. As a parent part of your duty is to put your child above anything, even vengeance.

Their safety must always be your number one priority, and that, unfortunately; was something Genevieve did not know if he really understood just yet.
But before anything else could be said, Emilio stepped in the middle of the fight between these heated lovers.

"Hey! What's going on here?" He demanded, Genevieve sat in the bed twitching in slight pain, Emilio; as he was the one closest to her rushed over immediately. "Eve!" He exclaimed placing a hand on her knee when kneeling down in front of her.

"Fuck" she muttered
"Please tell me the baby is not coming right now" he urged a little as she twitched in pain then again and she held a tight grasp onto Emilio's hand.

The girl gasped as another contraction laid on the pit of her stomach and travelled down to every part in her body "I think so" she managed to hiss through her teeth and at barely hearing that something inside Ivan seemed to click as he acted quickly. Hurrying to the medical care as Eve held onto him as if her very own life and her child's relied upon it.

Everything went both so slow but so fast too. Genevieve could only hear Ivan's reassuring words, saying he was there and things would be okay. Then being laid on the hospital bed as she was administrated with safe pain killers.

Contractions slowly stopped as she felt a little lightheaded as she rested her head on the pillow. Ivan sat beside her, nuzzling her hair in a caring manner, placing soft butterfly kisses on her forehead, attempting to ease her anxiety that he knew she could feel even under the effects of the controlled serum. Outside, Emilio was speaking with the doctor since Ivan refused to leave the mother of his child alone, he played with her fingers for a little before kissing the back of her hand while a sense of guilt overcame him.
Because once again, he solely thought about himself, his revenge and his feelings, he never once stopped to think how his foolish actions would affect this innocent being. This kid wasn't even born yet and there were already people looking for his or her head.

For a second, he stopped at the thought, inevitably wondering him or her? There had been so much pressure on him recently that he had not had even five minutes to breathe and act like a normal parent would. He couldn't please Genevieve on whatever odd craving she could have-that is, if she had experienced any-, he could not curiously wonder about his kid. What gender would the little one be, how he or she would act, neither he got to have those silly talks about who would the baby look more alike.
Simply because, given the circumstances, the most important thing was this baby was born healthy, he didn't want his newborn to be cursed with his demons as well.

So, not coming up with anything better he began to pray silently, pray that this kid could not be bipolar, because he knew first hand, that it was a living hell. He did not want that struggle for his child, he didn't want him or her to feel excluded nor to have to deal with the complexities of having such disorder, because no one deserved to be a prisoner of their own mind.

Not long after, Emilio finished the conversation with the doctor, the scene at the doorway making his stomach drop. Both Genevieve and Ivan were now laying side by side on the bed. His brother caressed the girl's lips with his fingertip as he whispered something inaudible inches away from her face.

Their lips crashed together in sync softly and as they were absorted in the loving moment, Emilio felt the treacherous puncture of envy as he evoked the memory of how he found himself in a situation quite similar to this, with that same girl and whether he admitted it or not, he envied his twin because deep down, he wanted this outcome when he was with her.

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