Chapter 21: Lost

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Emilio fell to the ground with an incredible force, the impact running through his body.
"Get up" his brother spoke with an authoritarian voice. It was barely ten o'clock in the morning, most agents were awake and were witnessing the scene of how Emilio was being treated, he laid on his back breathing hard and sweating.

Every single muscle in his bone felt like burning, he could not put up with it, as much as he would want to there was no more strength left in his body to keep this going. The heat rose his cheeks and whole face, Ivan didn't stop to notice her brother's state and all the people watching were too scared to do anything at all.

"Emilio get up" he commanded again, the was no response at all "EMILIO" he roared in his brother's face. It had been two weeks of intense training and the boy couldn't endure it anymore, he tried to be resilient the best he could, but the level of demands Ivan put out on him was too much. He wondered who even could survive to this type of pressure and not go insane.

Everything was blurry, faded even. Until suddenly he managed to hear from the distance a loud female voice.

"WHAT IN GODS NAME IS HAPPENING?" She screamed making her way through the crowd and running to Emilio, he could barely distinguish Eve's features from above him, but her expression was definitely worried, one of her hands went on his lower back as she managed to sit him down, when touching his forehead he was burning.

Emilio was barely breathing and his whole body felt like it was on fire, his body temperature was definitely higher than it had to be.

"WHAT ARE YALL DOING GET THE MEDS NOW" she commanded as people scattered around and some of them did as told, others stated and watched, too petrified to react. The blonde boy laid his head on Eve's chest as he inevitably felt lightheaded, alarming the girl "Emilio please don't fall asleep, okay?" she muttered trying her best to remain calm but her nervousness was obvious, she stroke his wet locks, the sweat barely getting to the back of his head.

"We're not done yet" Ivan said, making Genevieve's blood boil out of disbelief and anger
"Yes. You are" she snapped louder than intended
"We're not Genevieve. We still have things to do"
"You have him at the verge of unconsciousness, I won't allow any further training, Soldier" she replied firmly, Ivan suddenly zoned out of his lack of emotions and realized that Genevieve had referred to him by title, that never happened.
"What are you gonna do then? He has tests next month he needs-" he rambled but was stopped by the Archangel
"He needs to rest. Now, either you cut it or I'm suspending you indefinitely. Emilio Martinez will NOT get any sort of training until I give my permission" Emilio was taken away to medical care. Eve stood up in front of Ivan, an iron steel expression flashed on her features, Ivan had never seen her like this.

"If you wanna discuss that any further or dare to defy my authority on this I'm putting you on isolation for negligence" Ivan's eyes widen in surprise
"Genevieve you can't-"
"It's Archangel. Soldier, and yes, I can. You are getting on my nerves, at the moment I'm just annoyed, so I'm giving you a warning. There's a difference between annoyed and pissed, I don't think you want to know the real difference between those two"

Without having anything to say she brushed his shoulder and walked away. But not before she stopped to say "You and I are talking in private later" Ivan sighed knowing he had no other option as he heard her leave.

She went to medical care, giving the order that no one but her would be allowed into Emilio's room until he was stable. When walking in, Eve's heart inevitably pounded at the scene in front of her.

Emilio's heartbeats echoed through the electrocardiograph, she quietly walked in, when the blue eyed boy heard her steps, he turned his attention to the visitor. Skin was pail, his features looked softer and fragile than ever.
The girl tried her best not to cry as she sat beside Emilio, he smiled weakly and said "That bad, huh?" Eve knew he was trying his best to give a certain light to the situation, so she played along.
"Worse" she smiled nuzzling his hair, her smile soon disappeared "Why do you let him treat you like this?" She questioned him
"He's my brother Eve, and his hurt and confused. I don't blame him, but you know how hard it is for him to come to terms with his emotions. He's not grieving because of everything that goes on here. He needs to let all that out"
"So what? You're just letting him take it out on you?"

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