Chapter 8: The Calm

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A death silence filled the room as his last words sunk into Eve's brain and then again she found herself back in the same dilemma. Would she believe him? Staring deep into that vicious yet broken eyes. There was evil in him

It was obvious, as clear as water but there was also good in him, it was stupid to say it taking into consideration that he was a criminal, a dangerous man, the type of guy you shouldn't fall for.

Yet, here she was.

Deeply in love with him, having an internal debate between what she was taught to believe and what she felt.

Everyone and everything said that she should stay as far away as she possibly could, he dedicated his life to kill people and steal, but whenever his eyes found hers she could only see the good in him.

Part of her was scared, because maybe he could just get mad at her or just get tired and kill her because she was entirely just distracting him.

But if that was the case... wouldn't he had killed her already? It would've been a lot easier. Hell, he could've just let the guy that showed up at her house kill her, but instead he protected her and kept her safe.

There wasn't any real need for him to do this, and as scared as she was in this situation she was far more in love. So, with sweaty palms and a heart beating at a hundred miles per hour she would say something.

Something Ivan Martinez would never forget.

"I- I love you too"

Suddenly, something in the air changed. Ivan's cheeks were tinted with a light shade of pink, barely visible to the human eye but clearly obvious to his senses.

He could feel the heat rising in his features, the fasten beats of his heart and the strength every beat was taking.
They were just a few steps away from each other but right in that moment they've never felt closer to one an other.

Ivan felt true excitement running through his veins, but also confusion. What was he supposed to do now? He didn't knew anything about relationships, hell... he wasn't good at anything that had to do with any interaction with people unless there were guns or violence.

But in this scenario there was none of that, there wasn't guns-at least not at hand-nor any type of violence involved.

Instead, there were two teenagers. Who didn't really knew how to handle the situation at hand.

The blue eyed boy was a criminal mastermind in the eyes of the whole world, and the black haired girl in front of him was a teenager who's only true bad act was skipping school at random times.

Nevertheless, the love they manifested towards one another seemed to be stronger in this very moment. Maybe he had done some unforgivable stuff, things that no human should be capable of doing.

Even then Genevieve realized something. She was in no place to judge; maybe he was a killer and a thief and that's obviously something Eve wasn't a fan off, but he didn't grew up the way she did.

He was never treated the way she was. Most certainly, she hadn't been in a situation similar to his.

Perhaps, he was a victim of the circumstances; just a puppet, a monster of someone else's creation.

For others, it may sound crazy, cause at the end of the day, there was blood in his hands and only God would know how many lives did he took without any remorse

But the way Eve saw it was different, maybe he killed without remorse, maybe he could sleep at night with his actions. Although, in order for him to be that way he had to be taught that way.

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