Chapter 10: Embrace The Change

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She touched the bed, slowly sitting on the bed. At that moment the room seemed to be spinning, the girl looked around.
The beats of her heart echoing through her bones.


He was in front of her, touching her shoulders, words came out of his mouth but she couldn't make a sound out of them. Eve's stomach was tight up in a knot, even breathing hurt at that point.

"Genevieve!" She jumped a little, shaken back into reality as his voice sunk into her ears echoing into her skin and the intoxicating-maybe even drowning-scent of fresh blood invaded her nostrils.

The disoriented girl finally daring to look back into his eyes "what?" She muttered slightly

"I'm getting you out of here, okay? Don't worry. It's okay"

Now she was sitting at the car, doors sealed as she saw Ivan pacing left to right, talking on the phone and clearly cursing.

Her phone buzzed as it was carefully placed on her lap, due to her anxiety, her heart skipped a beat and she tensed. Eve looked down at it and gulped as she read

1 message

The phone unlocked at the sight of Eve's overwhelmed features.

What happened? I swear I tried to stop her

I killed her Dom.

At the other side of the line and holding his phone. Dom smiled at himself and almost laughed. His plan originally was for Ivan to kill her so she could go to him devastated.

But her killing Mackenzie? That just made his job a hundred times easier.

I don't feel bad about it. What's wrong with me?

I told you. You have it in you.
You know where to find me.

She decided to lock her phone as she spotted the furious boy hanging up the phone and later getting inside the car.

The tension was obvious and Eve didn't wanna look at him, Ivan punched the steering wheel and the sound of the sudden impact made the girl jump.

This was an absolute torture for both, but specially for Eve, she was a killer now. No matter in what context or situation she might've found herself into. She had taken someone's life.

Yes. She hesitated, like a normal person would. She wasn't being herself! She just got caught up in the moment and for all she knew this girl could've killed her if she didn't take the matter into her own hands.

But why? Why didn't she felt any remorse of it whatsoever? Did that made her a bad person?

Eve couldn't help but replay that moment over and over inside her head.

The moment her finger pulled the trigger, how her body fell flat on the carpet and her eyes slowly lost all living spark. Overviewing her emotions there was not a single drop of regret.

There was shock over her actions, fear of what meant killing her, but there wasn't anything close to remorse.

She wondered if she should do it, because that would change everything.

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