Chapter 17: Emilio

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There was a certain calm over the past month, Genevieve had come clean about the pregnancy to her surperiors; one of them being her mother-in-law, Marisol, who was surprisingly thrilled with the idea, mainly-or perhaps only-cause as she said, it would mean "the legacy" could keep its path.

Of course Eve wasn't gonna tell her that wasn't exactly the idea with this baby, in fact, that was never an option. But you'll understand that's not really easy to break through when it comes to a sociopath criminal mastermind, who, then again, is the grandmother of the baby you're carrying.
Nevertheless, both Ivan and Marisol had agreed Genevieve would have more "laid back" activities, you might say; and Cameron offered to be the escort for the Archangel.

So, that takes us to this moment, where whereas the Spanish boy is in a mission and a probable hit and run, Eve was in her room with Cameron by her side.
There was always something Eve was curious about, but she never truly asked this to Ivan because she was well aware it was both a sensitive and hard topic for him to talk about.
But Cameron was always close to Ivan and maybe she could clear up her curios mind.

"Hey Cam?" The grey haired girl hummed in response at her name being mentioned as she looked at Eve "What happened to Ivan's brother?"

Cameron inevitably tensed and a chill ran down her spine as memories were evoked to her brain.

Genevieve frowned "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"No it's okay, I get it" she quickly interrupted before taking a deep breath. "You need to know"


Ivan not only had a brother, he had a sister too, an older one.


Ivan's brother was actually his twin and for most of their life they were inseparable, they did everything together, well... the three of us did.

But while the twins and I were just dumb kids running around the quarters playing hide and seek, Rebeca was being trained by her mother to take her place.
She was always at practice and was truly outstanding, everyone knew she was born to be a leader. Even if she was only sixteen, unfortunately "outstanding" wasn't enough for Marisol, she made Rebeca train 17 hours a day and she would always sent her on missions.

To everyone's surprise, Rebeca was complying to the change within a year, everything was normal until that night.

No one knows what happened, at least not really, but we do know Rebeca made her first killing that night, and that's when she went crazy.

She became obsessed with murder, and every single one of the missions she went to, at least one person died. Things got worse and worse as she became irrational, she was killing people she had no need to.

Kids, merchants, rich people, poor people, no one was save if she was around, her mother didn't really care until Rebeca started leaving and leaving more clues about all the murders.

If she was caught, the whole organization would be in danger and at some point, Rebeca was literally insane. All she wanted was to kill, no matter who it was and we discovered later on she was actually schizophrenic, so when Marisol couldn't control her anymore she sent her to a mental institution.

That left Emilio and Ivan in charge, but both of them couldn't take their mother's place, it had to be just one.

We all thought it would be Emilio since he was the older one, for the record, that was Marisol's plan, at least in the beginning, but Ivan showed more potential than Emilio. Emilio and I were worried she would chose Ivan, so Emilio went to talk to her mother, basically sacrificing himself for her little brother's sake.

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