Chapter 6: Inminent Danger

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She stared at herself in the mirror, no matter how hard she tried whenever she closed her eyes he was there.

It had been a week, seven days since his lips touched hers for the first and last time.

Eve decided to go for a walk, she needed some time alone "Where are you going Eve?"

"I just need some fresh air, don't worry" so she walked out the door with no determined path to take and just as she crossed the corner of her house, leaving it behind, a hand was grabbed around hers tightly.

The touch being indescribably familiar, her heart jumped as she turned and saw him "Ivan!" She exclaimed, jumping back onto his arms, inhaling his cologne.

He grabbed his arms around her waist holding her close to his chest, keeping her safe from all evil.

"Listen babe, I don't really have much time but I needed to give you this" he handed her a small disposable phone

"Why are you giving me this?" She asked confused

"It's to keep you safe" he cupped her face in his hands so she could stare deep within her eyes, Ivan knew having her in his life was dangerous.

But he didn't care

"Listen I know you're really confused but my life is really complicated and there's people who could hurt you"
"Ivan wh-"
"Eve please, I promise I'll explain, I swear baby, but right now I can't. Just please promise me you'll use this to keep in touch with me, specially if you feel you're in ANY type of danger"

Even though her mind couldn't process nor understand where was this whole urgency was coming from she nodded.

He couldn't help himself and he kissed her, it was like his drug, a simple kiss from here could make him feel all kinds of sensations.

They broke apart, foreheads touching "Don't be scared please... I need you to stay calm, okay? Imma come pick you up at 9. If I don't show up don't wait for me just get inside your house and lock yourself"

"But, why? What's going on Ivan?" His eyes softened as he caresses her cheeks with his thumbs, fear was beginning to rise inside her, he could obviously tell.

He hated that he had to put her through this, it wasn't fair. He wished he was strong enough to let her go, but he couldn't.

"I wish I could explain...but I can't right now. Just repeat to me what you're gonna do"

"I... I'll take the phone in case I need you"
"Okay and?"
"You'll come pick me up at 9 and- and if you don't show up I'll go back to the house and lock myself"

It was so hard to pronounce those words, to promise him to do something when she didn't even truly knew why would she had to do it.

Relief filled Ivan's features as he knew she would do as told he told her to, Ivan looked at the time and cursed himself under his breath.

"I have to go Eve"
"Ivan please-"
"I'll see you tonight, I promise" he hugged her once last time, absorbing her warmth before leaving her.

He got inside a black car and disappeared along the streets of Genevieve's neighborhood...

6 hours earlier...

10 a.m

"Listen, I know you wanna play the perfect boyfriend for Gen, but you're a fucking criminal Ivan and whether you like it or not, guys like Dom will come for her"

"Then what the fuck am I supposed to do, Cam?!" Frustrated with this whole situation he stared at his friend.

His only friend, the one who was there after Emilio, the only person who truly gave a shit about him as he drowned his sorrows in alcohol and girls.

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