Chapter 7: The Truth

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"What's going on?! Why was a guy with a fucking gun chasing us? Ivan what the fuck did you do?!" He looked at her, opened his mouth, but no words came out, no matter how hard he tried, the only thing that happened was that a knot formed in his throat, there was no way he could tell her, it was physically and mentally impossible to bring himself to do actually it.

Ivan gulped, and his heart couldn't help but stop and shatter to a million pieces, looking at her hurt.

Because he knew once he spoke, once he actually came clean and Eve saw him for who he truly was there was no turning back.

Once the black haired girl saw him as the criminal, the mastermind of many famous robberies, the killer.

Ivan knew she would walk away, she would disappear but he could blame her?

Up until this point, Ivan hadn't realized how intense his emotions were, how much he had begin to love this girl, which, was ironic, be he was about to lose her. Forever.

His hands were filled with blood, both innocent and guilty people, people who were worst than him, but it didn't matter, because at the end of the day, their deaths were all on him.

Ivan loved Eve, as much as it was hard to admit, and he was clearly, never good showing his emotions, or being honest about how he felt for obvious reasons.

He was never thought how to do it, much less how be careful when choosing his words in order to protect the feelings of someone he loved, because everyone he loved ended up leaving him for who he was, what he represented and what he now became.

Ivan's head was a mess, filled with questions,  questions he never knew the answer to and now he needed those answers but, in this very moment, he found himself in front of the girl he so foolishly began to fall for.

The Spanish boy was on his own, as always. But he had never been more terrified of that in his life

There, staring into Genevieve's bright green eyes, as the leaves of the trees in the middle of the spring, a thought, an unbearable doubt crossed his mind.

How was he supposed to tell her that his hands, the ones he used to protect her, to keep her close, but most important, to love her more than anyone else in his life; where the same ones he had used to take people's lives without any hesitation.

Would she be able to love him, hell, even look at him the same, after Eve realized the kind of monster he was?

Deep down he knew the answer, there was no way she wanted to stay by his side, it was too much to handle, Eve was just a normal girl with a normal life, there was no evil in her, she had never made the sins he committed.

"The end will always be justified by the means" that was something Eve wasn't thought, nor she could understand the complexity of what that statement allowed him to do.

He was always thought he could get what he wanted, whenever he wanted it, in order to achieve his goals he could do anything he considered necessary, even killing in cold blood.

Ivan didn't actually felt bad for what he did, he simply didn't feel anything when looking back at it, but he felt something now, he felt helpless and scared for Eve's reaction.

Much more when he saw the tears coming down her eyes.

"Don't just look at me, Ivan! Tell me what's going on" she pleaded as helplessly as him

"I'm scared..." he admitted, murmuring under his breath


"Because you'll leave once you know the truth but I need to tell you so I can keep you safe" it hurt, to look at her in the eyes, to talk through the knot in his throat and the black haired girl was filled with confusion and worry

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