CHAPTER 30: Mother dearie

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The twins hadn't spoke in all day so when Emilio came in banging on his door as he was taking care of his child, when opening the door he faced his brother and rolled his eyes, he walked away and picked up his son, letting Emilio inside, this only because he knew his stubborn brother, and he was going in one way or another; for him it was better to save all the conflicts.

"YOU WERE USING DRUGS?" he yelled, both boys turned to Emilio and Cameron looked at him with his beautiful innocent eyes

"Dugs?" he repeated confused, Ivan glared at his twin brother deathly, before turning his attention back to his son

"Ducks  Cameron, ducks" the little baby sucked on his thumb "Come on, say it again" he encouraged him

"Ducks" he muttered, Ivan kissed the top of his head and smiled

"That's right bud" he put the toddler down and made a slight gesture with the head towards his brother "Stay here baby, Mommy will come in a bit" the little kid only nodded.

So, they marched to the room next door, which was his and closed the door, Ivan was now fuming "How fucking stupid can you be Emilio?! Saying the word drugs in front of your nephew? You might as well give him a damn pistol, you ass hole!"

"You were using drugs?!" he asked just as angry, Ivan growled and ruffled his hands through his hair, growing impatient because of his disorder.

"I've been using drugs ever since you left!" Emilio's face fell as he spoke, his younger brother went over to his night stand and grabbed two different recipients, one said anxiolytics and the other antidepressants, Emilio stared at the bottles dumbfounded

"I- I don't understand..." he whispered

"I'm bipolar Emilio. That's why I'm so good I do, because this keeps me numb, I have no subconscious but at least I'm not lashing out at everything and when this weren't enough, I started using other drugs"

"Mom knew you were bipolar?"

"Of course she did, that's why she put us to the test. She knew I would be able to do it cause my mind is fucked. Do you have something else to scream at me for?"

"Are you ever going to forgive me?"

"Don't start that" Ivan said turning around but his older brother, done with all the tension grabbed his arm

"How many times do I have to apologize, what to I have to do?"

"You had sex with the love of my life! There's nothing you can do!"

"That's it? That's why you can't even be around me?"

"Emilio you can't even begin to understand!"

"Then make me understand! Enlighten me!"

"I've done everything out of love for her! She's the only person who would look me in the eyes and see some kind of good in me, she didn't care about me killing people, Emilio you had a chance of a normal life and I don't know if you have realized but Genevieve and my son are the only normal thing I have" there was an imminent silence, Ivan hoped his brother would say something but he remained silent "The reason why I'm mad at you is only because ever since you came I did nothing but tug you in and welcome you into my home but you could only get my fiancé on bed with you. A decent brother and human being would've never done that" he spat, finally getting out of the room and smashing the door closed, maybe Ivan was speaking in behalf of his anger and hurt but there was a whole lot of truth. The youngest one of the Martinez twins suffered the most after they split, while Emilio just had to hide small fragments of his personal life, Ivan had been turned into a deathly weapon by his own mother, he struggled every day of his life and no matter how much Cameron was there for him, no one managed to understand him as much as Emilio did, that was until Genevieve came into his life, suddenly he could trust someone, being so broken and lost he simply fell into his arms and Genevieve was the only one who had the heart to show him love and compassion, she hold his pieces together but didn't try to fix him, because there was nothing to fix. For the first time in his life, Ivan had someone who thought he was perfect, but also human.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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