Chapter 21: Wise Guru Magic

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Later during the week...

"Wow. Namjoon these lyrics are really good," you nodded as you read the paper Namjoon had just handed you. As happy as you were with the results, the obvious love song lyrics made you shake your head in disbelief. 

Namjoon. Seriously- 

You knew exactly what he was trying to do. The sly grin on his face only seemed to prove your point. He knew that the lyrics were really good too, you'd have to keep them, they were top of the charts material. 

"Touching," Jimin muttered awkwardly, the tips of his ears turning a light pink shade as he overflew the lines with his wide eyes.
Namjoon just ignored Jimin's behavior, sitting down on the chair comfortably, arms hooked behind his head. He had written these lyrics to make you realize your true feelings. He hoped that it would just 'click' at some point and you'd stop acting like children. He honestly just couldn't understand how you two hadn't made anything official, the chemistry between you was obvious, even from an outsider's perspective.

"Well, don't you want to record that?" Namjoon grinned mischievously and pushed the two of you into the soundproof room. You scrambled out of the rappers grasp, flusteredly making your way to one of the microphones. The awkwardness between you and Jimin had grown throughout the week, you had been a little distant after Minha's speech and Namjoon's lyrics weren't helping at all. You were both not ready to confess anything and the current situation just made everything freaking awkward. You busied your hands fixing the mic, shyly avoiding Jimin's gaze.

As he walked past you, his hand ever so slightly brushed against yours, making shivers run down your spine, your heart rate speeding up softly. 

You hated it. You hated the fact that you weren't able to speak up about your feelings, that you were too shy to just stand to your feelings. You couldn't bring yourself to do it. So you kept looking at the floor, your gaze fixed, paralyzed as your heart raced in your chest.

"Okay," Namjoon said through the microphone on the other side, his deep voice penetrating the soundproof room through speakers.
"Let's start this," he mouthed encouragingly before pressing a few buttons. The slow melody started to play in your headphones, making you softly sway to the sounds.
You looked at Namjoon through the glass front, looking for some reassurance and he smiled kindly. You were kind of panicking and you couldn't understand why. This wasn't the first time you were recording something, it should be a piece of cake.

But there you were, your eyes wide, fidgeting with your fingers. What the hell is wrong with me? you thought. All of this just because you wrote a love song without noticing it and Namjoon pointed it out. Minha's comment shouldn't matter either. I'm ridiculous. You sighed, breathed in and out and zoned out, trying to find a calm space for your mind to rest. 

Namjoon's head moved with the rhythm and he gave you a hand-sign when you had to sing.

"All of this-" you sang softly, trying to find the song's soul, carefully choosing your notes. Your voice was slightly trembling but you gradually gained your composure. 

You smiled softly as the bridge played before Jimin's part came on, memories rushing back to you, making your cheeks heat up. When the soft melody finally blended with Jimin's smooth voice, you were overtaken by strong emotions, you felt like floating, your heart speeding up, your insides churning, holding back a wild swarm of butterflies and the big smile accompanying it. 

His voice was mesmerizing, the words rolling off his tongue effortlessly, enchanting you like an ancient magic spell. 

Noticing your gaze on him, his eyes looked up from the papers and met yours. He was pulling you in, tearing you into the deep waters that were love, like a siren, serenading you with the beautiful tones leaving his mouth. 

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