My Infinity War Review

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Obviously there are some spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie then don't read this one just yet. Go watch the movie and then come back and read it so we can discuss everything that went down, and lot went down.

So about the video that I added, it's very in depth review of Infinity War. The video will make points that I make because there are similar points that we share. New Rockstars is an amazing YouTube channel that does all kinds of reviews, breakdowns, and analysis on practically everything. They've done so much coverage over Infinity War and I genuinely love their channel so go watch and check out their videos, I highly recommend.

Let the review begin...


Starting off with the things I absolutely loved in this movie, were the characters.

1. Wanda was amazing in Infinity War. I had a good feeling about her character and Russo's didn't let me down. I was so happy to see more of her power development, the visuals looked great. I'm so glad that she was used in the way that they used her and she definitely moved up in some spots in my list of favorites. "Why was she up there the whole time." Yes Okoye! Also her and Vision their relationship was so cute, I might've "awww" a little to loud.

2. Gamora was very well thought out and used in the way I hoped she was used. Instead of being the "mom" to the Guardians, she got to play the part that she deserved. The scene where she asked Peter to kill her if Thanos got her broke my heart but got fixed when they kissed and Drax was there. Also, the scene where the Red Scull said that the tears weren't for Thanos, I started crying knowing what was going to happened. (Also Red Scull wtf ?? Any of my Walking Dead fans, did y'all know that it was Aaron, the actor that plays him, is playing Red Scull) But back to Gamora, I felt like she was one of the most important characters and they made her to be that, so I was really happy.

I have cat named Gamora and I can't look at her the same anymore.

3. Drax was probably the most entertaining to watch throughout the movie. He definitely got the biggest laugh along side Star Lord, Tony, and Spider Man. His scene after the Gamora and Star Lord kiss was amazing. "I'll do you one better, why is Gamora?" That got the biggest laugh in my theatre. "Hi Drax!" "Damnit."

4. Do you think it's Star Lords fault? I'm kinda in the middle of this whole debate because I do see both sides of the argument. On one side I'm thinking "cmon you could've waited like 5 seconds. They literally almost had the infinity gauntlet off." But at the same time he did just find out that the woman he loves died so I see that point too. But that's just his character making the impulsive decisions.

5. Thor was probably the best character of infinity war. He owned Infinity War and his entrance back onto Earth with Stormbreaker, Rocket and Groot was amazing and so great to see. I felt like we finally got the true Thor in this movie versus all the other ones that we saw. In Ragnarok I felt like we're finally getting there but now he's has (I guess) fully evolved. The trio of him, Rocket, and Groot is what we needed it was really conveyed well. And in the scene when Thor talks about what he's lost, I felt like we felt the brokenness that he felt. I really loved how his character was executed in the movie.

6. Doctor Strange was soooooo cool in the movie. His growth as the Master of the Mystic arts really shined through. I think the whole reason why he gave up the time stone was because he had to to insure that the 1 time they did win, they would win. He did get Thanos a couple of times and I was just sitting there in awe as his scene against Thanos on Titian. Well Done.

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