Chapter 3

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I am in charge of taking care of the children. I am in extreme pain but I do not let it show. I am working with all the soldiers with silver wounds currently. And many other scream in agony when removing the bullets stuck in the wounds. I do it so carefully. My eyes are white every time and I show no emotions. Fallacy comes up to me as I finish removing a bullet and wrap the wound. "Please take a break." He begs me. I look at all the others. "Not yet. Just a few more." I say standing and helping them.

Hours later...

I finished all of them. Many thanked me and kissed my hand. I did not react to them. I am walking to the edge of the forest. Feeling like my world is ending. I sit down at the edge of the forest just sitting there staring at everything. I start to break down knowing I shall never be able to relax. I sob silently so no one can hear me. I lean my head against the tree I am next. My hands are burnt and covered in blood. I watch as my colourless tears hit my hands. They burn telling me I am still alive. I can but only stay here and cry, for I must soon return showing that I am strong.

Moments later...

I return back after cleaning and changing. I am taking care of the children. There are at least a hundred of them. Most of them orphaned. The older kids help out, but no one wants to care for these children. Fallacy comes in and starts helping out suddenly. I smile as he is rocking a crying baby. They soon fall asleep again.

Suddenly the ground begins to shake again. There are bombs going off in the distance. Fallacy looks at me in shock as my magic is surrounding everyone of the children and him. Silver bullets start to fly and I surround the camp in magic. Any non-turned or mortal dropping dead that are inside. I turn and eventually make it to the other side. My eyes are red showing just how angry I am. "You better stop." I growl. They all look surprised. "Go back to your king and stop this god damning madness." I say angrily. They are all taken back. "Why should we listen to you? Vampire..." One says. "Because..." I say chuckling.

My eyes glow green and I say "Because I am a very pissed off Rogue." I then take the leader by the throat and lift him up. "They shoot me once and I shall pop your head off like a dandelion." I say coldly. "We shall leave... But what our king says... Might not change our mind." He says slightly choking. I drop him and he gets pulled back. I pull out a paper rolled and sealed with the family of the king's seal. I approach the leader leaving the letter in their hand. "That is from a daughter that once was." I state before turning and walking back through my own magic.

Time skip...

I have been keeping the magic barrier up and protecting us for many weeks. I have fallen ill and have been removed from duties. Fallacy and many others take care of me. Fallacy is usually holding me or feeding me, when he is not taking care of the children.

Right now a young man is there just sitting beside me. I take his hand gently and pat it. "You seem uncomfortable. What is wrong?" I ask. "My mate... She is supposed to give birth in a few days. I am terrified. She does not want to have the baby. She is afraid." He answers. I smile and sit up. "Well, it does hurt a lot giving birth. It is so painful." I say remembering all the times I have done it. He looks at me shocked. "How would you know?" He asks. "I have helped deliver many infants. But my guess is she is afraid that she will leave the baby alone, or that she is bringing them into such a hateful world."  I say softly. His eyes widen is shock hearing that. "Does she have someone to go to?" I ask. He shakes his head no. "Bring her to me when her water breaks." I say gently. He nods but then asks "I thought you were in no condition to tend to anyone?" I smile. "If I am in need. Then I am. Plus I have a lot of experience." I say gently. He just nods. Then the rest of the visit is in silence.

Time skip...

I have recently gotten back on my feet. I am very slow and I do not move very often. I sit in an area in a once beautiful flower field ruined from bombs and fighting. A blood soaked flower field. I hear a gun and then I am soon surrounded. "Move and you will die." I hear. "That would only be a favour at this point. I can no longer tend to the wounded, or the orphaned children. So if you would be nice and kill me where I sit looking down at once was a beautiful flower field when I was a mortal child, it would be kind." I say softly. There is only silence as I start to stand up. I feel a numb burn in my leg and do not react to it. "Wait... You are..." I hear. I see the people who were at the barrier. The leader staring at me. "You look so much different now." The leader says. "Happens when your own think you are another. I soon fell ill due to so much silver exposure. *sigh* If you are not going to kill me. I might as well head back." I sigh starting to slowly walk back to the shelters. The group suddenly splits and I see the king there. He is staring at me. I bow my head and my outfit changes in a swirl of magic. I grab my side which starts to bleed again and I fall to my knees in front of him.

"Encre..." He says ever so gently. "Take... Take them with us." I hear him say. I use my connection and say "I am so sorry. I failed you and what I have done shall never be forgiven." Into his mind. He approaches me and his metal gloved hand touches me. My face starts to smoke and hiss, but I remain still as tears leak from that eye. I eventually pass out.

A New Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now