Chapter 11

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I awake somewhere and I shoot up. I see I have a blood bag draining into me and that I am covered in bandages. I see that I am in a cave or den of some sort. I remain calm and sit comfortably.

Sometime later...

I hear someone coming in. I look up and see a woman. She is not dressed fully. I keep my eyes looking away. "Oh, darling you are awake. Oh no need to look away. Us rogues do not care much for covering up." They say. I remain silent, but look towards her. She sniffs the air and says "You have a mate, but your hormones are flaring... I have never met, nevertheless cared for a cursed before." I look down at my hands not saying anything. "Why do your fangs not extend sweetie?" She asks. I look away not wanting to answer. "Not very talkative are you? Hmm." She says coming over. Suddenly I hear heavy wings flapping overhead. "Leader is home... Try to make it look like you are sleeping. But you better talk when I get back." She says and then sets down what she is doing. 'A rogue with wings... Only one family tree has wings.' I think.

Hours later...

The woman comes in with another. I am sitting up and I am not really paying attention, playing with my magic. I sense them enter and my magic disappears. I do not look up keeping my gaze where I was looking. "Where are their fangs?" I hear. "He will not speak to me." I hear. "Leave, let me try to speak to them." I hear. "Of course leader." They say as they then leave. "You are a hunter I see. But... You are a cursed as well. That is very strange." The leader says. "Where are your fangs?" He says coldly. I look up at him and say "I ripped them out, and cut my own wings off." My voice ice and my gaze piercing. He smirks and says "You are from my family branch, but you are more mortal than rogue." I remain silent. "How is your mother doing?" He asks and I cringe at the question. "Oh, I see... Did she at least go out fighting?" He asks. "She sat there holding my father's hand, with a smile on her face." I answer. "I see..." He says coming over.

He shockingly becomes shorter as he enters. Loud clicking is there. "What is your name?" He asks. I feel my mouth open but I suddenly close it because I start to feel really hot. It is overwhelmingly hot. "Oh, I see. You went through various training, to make it seem like you are normal, but you would go for a long hunt during the half way points, because of this." He says being able to read me. "Let us get you dealt with." He says coming over to me. He grabs me and I passout for some reason.

Time skip...

I wake up hearing crying. I am suddenly in agony as I see someone getting off of me. "You are awake now. That is good." I hear. I am gasping in pain as I see a young woman completely naked there. My whole body is in agony. I then see we are on a large bed. The woman is leaning over me and I can feel her against me. The contact burns, tears start to leak from my eyes. The woman leans off of me and sits on my chest. "What is wrong dear, you got excited when I was first touching you, now you are crying." She says with a frown. She suddenly lifts off of me and slams down. I slam my head down as more tears leak from my eyes as my body feels like it is being ripped apart. She continues on and the pain soon becomes too much, as I cry out in agony. I had felt pain before, even torture seemed better than this. My vision soon becomes blurry and the woman is looking at me in horror. "You have a mate." She says with tears in her eyes. It is the last thing I see as it becomes dark.

Days later...

I wake up in pain, trying to remember what happened. I go to sit up but then get gently pushed down. "I tried to warn him you had a mate. Now he is hating himself." I hear. "What happened to me?" I ask. "It is known as betraying your mate." I hear. "I have never laid with my mate, I am not really sure who they are at this point." I say slightly in pain. "What do you mean?" They ask. "I do not remember my childhood from the time I was six through eight. I was told I was in a coma after being kicked in the head." I say gently. They sit down beside me. "You were brainwashed." They say. "As everyone keeps telling or proving to me." I say with a sigh. "What do you mean by that?" They ask. "I have had multiple visits by a tramp, a witch and tons of vampires who call me a lord or young lord." I say looking up at them. "Do you have any idea of a name?" They ask. "The tramp and witch keep telling me Fallacy, but when near him to call him Lord Fallacy. I am sure I met him awhile back as well." I say. They nod. "It is strange, since that man has never been known to lay with anyone. You are aware that Fallacy is the king of vampires." He says. I gulp looking at the leader of the rogues. "It must have happened when you were a child. Reason why you do not remember. *sigh* We can figure the rest out when you heal, after you fall asleep you will be given blood. Rest well." He says patting me on the head. I lay there for awhile before falling asleep.

A week later...

I am back up on my feet even though it still hurts. I am always by that woman or the leader's side. They call me runt most of the time. "Runt, there is a group of hunters nearby. You going to go join them?" One asks. I look of towards the marching. "Those are trainees, being taken off to slaughter. They are only bait." I state. "So free meals?" Someone asks. I nod and say "Eterna and a bunch of higher end people are probably with them. Waiting for their screams of agony and fright. Only those who survive by killing the attackers are allowed back in the camp." They nod and a few go off. "Runt go to the group. A blood moon will be upon us in a month. If you care to come back after that is up to you." I hear. "They will probably think I have turned by now. If they attack me. There will be no new recruits." I smirk. The leader smiles at me and a bunch of us take off running.

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