Chapter 10

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Three days later...

I have been keeping my distance but keeping weirdly close to the King. Today I plan on avoiding everyone, by staying outside. I am walking through the forest and I hear crying. I sneak to see a trap. I see a little girl in a trap. Vampire hunters are watching them. They are a mortal girl. I cringe. "What are you doing?" I growl. The hunters all jump. The little girl is not so little but a teenager. I help her out of the acid trap. It had almost got her feet. I remove her shoes that acid are eating through. "You are so soft Encre." One says. "She is a mortal! You would just sacrifice one of your own?" I say angrily. They look shocked. "We needed bait." One says with a shrug. "She refused to sleep with all of you. I can smell liars." I state. "If you needed bait you would have gotten one of the disabled. Instead of a girl who refused to sleep with you. Cowards." I say picking her up. "Like you would not want a woman to unload into." One laughs. The girl is crying. "Plus she is a newly turned." Another says. I look at the wound on her neck to see blue. I smile at the girl. "I guess someone is going to have to die. And we all know I specialize with Rogues so..." I say gently. I get my gun and shoot the one behind the leader of the team. They gulp as their cheek is bleeding. I then whistle and then there is running. "And I am afraid boys you have to go too." I say looking back at them. They all get pulled back and their screams are heard. I expose my arm and raise it to the girl's face. She bites into it gently. She takes only a bit of blood. "Why?" She asks while retracting her fangs. "I only hunt Rogues, Vampires have more of a heart than most mortals do." I say gently. She looks shocked at that. "But how are you able to tell?" She asks. "The colour of new bites. If you were bitten by a rogue your mark would have been the same colour as the acid." I say gently. I help her up. "Do you know where to go?" I ask. "I was running from them when a child was crying I stopped to help them, but they bit me." She says. "The lords are nice people from what I can tell. Here... Let me bring you to them." I say gently. She looks scared. I turn my head and whistle loudly. The leader of the wolf pack comes up to me. I nod to them and they nod back before turning and taking off. I help the girl walk to the castle. The wolves start howling suddenly. I pick the girl up bridal style and make for the castle quickly. I make it there as a few lords are outside. 'Get those two.' I hear suddenly. I take both my guns out and load them. 'Proceed with caution that is the rogue hunter.' I hear. I then see multiple glowing green eyes. I drop my emotions as I cover the girl in magic and she disappears. "May thy lord forgive my tainted soul." I say gently then a tree branch breaks then rogues charge forwards. I shoot head shot and soul shots. And quickly reload as the cases go flying out of my guns and the new ammo goes in. I shoot one point blank as its claws are centimeters from my face. I jump and shoot till empty. I then see seven left. I take my two stakes out. "Hunter, wants to play games." One laughs. I figure out which is the leader of the pack. I then shoot my stake that has a string attached to it and it cuts one across the chest and the string wraps around their neck with the silver touching their back. They cry out in agony. "Papa!!!" One of them shouts. I see and hear Paint crying that out. I pull the leader forwards and pin them down. "Please! We shall leave. Just please do not kill him." The youngest says. I see flashes of me being tied down while watching my whole family being slaughtered while I scream out for them to kill me instead. I cut the stake and rope from the throat of the leader. They grab their kid and run. The other is just laying there. "Do you have anyone?" I ask them. "I do not. Eterna killed them off a long time ago right in front of me." They say. "Then I will let you join them." I say before using my last bullet and shooting them through the head. I stand up and use my magic to collect the silver bullets. I feel a hand on my shoulder suddenly and it is the woman from the previous night before arriving. "Your memories have been plaguing you?" They say gently and I remain silent. "Come now, no need to not speak." They coo. "I'll put these down your throat, if you keep talking." I say coldly. "You do not have to be so mean. Oh, I see... It is that time of year for you mixed bloods." She says putting your arms over my shoulders. "If I still had my fangs I would rip you to shreds." I growl and she lets go of me. "So mean, I only want to play." She coos. "You keep this up, I shall play with your corpse, and feed it to my companions." I say coldly. "That is something." She says grabbing onto me while I try to get away. "He clearly wants to be left alone ma'am." I hear suddenly. "Oh~ His mate is around. Explains a lot about your mood, Én~cre~" she coos. "Thy lord have mercy." I mutter walking away. The girl I saved is with the other lords. "Encre, I will see you again." The woman says. I feel an arm go around me and I feel pure anger fill me, but then I hear "Are you alright?" I am taken back by that and I do not know how to function hearing those three words. Fallacy must sense my distress because he turns me to face him. His eyes widen seeing my face, tears in my eyes. "I have... Never been asked that... In so long." I say gently. His face becomes soft and he pulls me close. I feel so weird being held. He is holding me delicately, till I pull away saying "Did you not see what I just did?" I turn away saying "You watched me slaughter Rogues. Who are just more violent versions of vampires, which is basically a vampire during a blood moon." My voice holds disgust for myself. "But you let two go and no one hear what you and the last one talked about, but you gave them a quick death. You also saved a girl who was surrounded by your own people. You killed them to save her." He says. I only feel angrier. "But Encre... What did you mean? When you said 'If I still hand my fangs'." He asks gently grabbing my hand. I pull my hand away and keep my arms closer in. "I ripped them out so I would be normal, or to at least make it seem that way." I say coldly. "Encre, come here." He says. I hold my ground. "Encre, you are labelled as a Cursed, more so you then your brother. Because he did not inherit your abilities, he is normal." He says. My chest burns hearing that. My magic cleans the area I fought in up and I just walk away hearing that. I pause and say "I have always known that. It has always been hung over my head." I then walk into the forest my pack appearing on my back with my bow and arrows. I pull my hood up and disappear into the forest.

Time skip...

Five months later...

I get punched in the face again my head flinging to the side. I stagger back but then knock them down and pin them there till I hear "Break!" I let go of them and stand up. "You know what it is never fair beining up against you." He says angrily. I remain silent and go and get water. I barely speak anymore. Suddenly someone runs through the gates screaming "They are coming!!! They are coming!!!" His head then falls off. Suddenly wings are the only thing I am able to see as I get picked up and carried by multiple of them. Paint is looking up in horror. "Encre!!!" He shouts before firing bullets off. I feel myself falling and I am wounded. I hit tree branches then stop suddenly.

Hours later...

I see flashing lights and hear ringing. There is shouting in the distance. I soon realize I am in a tree, there is shouting. I then see flickering lights and I shift and then the branches brake under my weight. I am caught by someone. "How did he become a tree ornament?" I hear. "Look up." I hear. "In God's name why are there so many of them?" I hear. "Wait... That one is alive." I hear and I am being set down.

A day later...

I am laying there extremely injured. I see an injured wolf and they see me. It limps over to me and lays down beside me. "What hurt you little guy?" I ask. They whimper at me. I nod and pet it gently. "When I die, you can eat me." I say gently. The wolf remains silent and now so do I. A tree of corpses, beside me and my life soon to flee as well. My vision is blurring as the wolf is now looking at me.
Suddenly I am lifted up as everything goes dark.

A New Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now