Chapter 21

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Fallacy has allowed me to retrieve my things from the village. People are looking at my chest seeing what was once a bright place, to see nothing. I have my stuff all in my pack. Twilight comes up to me and hugs me tightly. "Why?" She asks. I kiss her forehead. "You already have... Have you not?" She says. "Good bye Twilight. Just so you know... I loved you. And it is the reason why I am doing this... Because when I go over to my next life. I can look back and remember you." I say letting go of her hand. She has tears streaming from her eyes. "I wish... I wish..." She says. I then kiss her passionately even though it hurts. I pull away and walk away from her to where Fallacy is waiting for me.

Time skip...

I have returned to the castle with Fallacy and wearing shirts is hard for me to do. I stand and act proper around everyone. Right now Fallacy is drinking the rest of my blood, not that he knows. I am very silent and very obedient to him and the other lords. I do as told no questions asked. "Encre, how have you been?" I hear. "I have been well, and yourself Lord Dream?" I answer with a gentle but blank smile. "I have been well as well. Care to join me for a walk?" He asks me while extending his arm. "I would love to." I say gently and link arms with him.

I have been at the castle for a week now and I am acting the same the whole time. Fallacy sees me with Lord Dream and asks "Care I join you both?" He asks. Lord Dream looks at me and I say "I would not mind." I let go of Lord Dream and start walking with them both in front of me. I am silent as I walk calmly. We enter the garden and Fallacy pulls me aside. He smacks me but I just look back at him. "What have I done wrong? Is there a way for me to fix it?" I ask and Fallacy looks horrified at me. "I promised you, that you would not have to worry about this. Here you are... Not being who I fell in love with again. I... I keep failing you." Fallacy says. I place a hand on his cheek and kiss him gently. He looks angry as he walks away from me roughly pulling away. My eyes are dull now as I turn and look at the garden. I start to walk through it. It is starting to rain as my chest hurts. 'I guess I just failed again. I guess the universe is doomed, no matter how hard I try.' I think.

Months later...

I am no longer allowed to leave my room. I have a chain to my ankle keeping me to my bed. I am looking out at the creek currently just leaning on the window sill. Suddenly the door opens and I start to stand properly. "Is this what you wanted?" I hear. I hold my real answer swallowing. "What ever makes you happy I shall do or be." I state gently. "Be a child then." I hear. I use my magic to reverse my age to when I first meet him. I turn around. He has tears streaming down his face and the tears I had in my eyes finally slip from my eyes. "Anything else you want Lord Fallacy?" I ask. He just leaves and I am left confused. I slip down the wall and I hold myself crying. I lock my magic in place soon passing out sobbing.

I wake up under my covers hearing humming. I remain still feeling happy. I know it is Fallacy there. Then I hear crying and I sit up. "Lord Fallacy what is wrong?" I ask. He looks shocked as he turns towards me trying to dry his eyes. "It is okay to cry every once in awhile Lord Fallacy." I say smiling while tears start to leak from my eyes. He holds he while crying hard. "Encre..." He cries my name over and over again. My chest is burning. "I wish I could go back..." He cries. My eyes are wide. "If you could go back what would you do?" I ask. "I would never let you go and show you just how much I love you." He says. I hold onto him and he holds me back. "Then let us do it now!" I say smiling. He is looking at me strangely. "Encre go to your normal age... We cannot do that." He says pushing me away. I lock the door as he is getting up to leave. "Yes we can... I have multiple ways we could do that. I will do anything to make you happy. Even if it sacrifices my happiness in the end Lord Fallacy." I say gently while sitting up. I change to a teenager age. "I can do anything you want Lord Fallacy! If you want to start over... We can start over together!" I say smiling in front of him. He looks scared of me. "Encre stop it." He says. "I shall kill myself if you want then, then you will never have to look at me again. Just sweep me up and throw me away just like before. Like I never existed!" I shout as he is backing away. I have tears running down my face. "Encre... You have lost it." He says. "Lord Fallacy... I will do anything for you. I will disappear forever if you want. I can just go with Reaper and then you have a completely new me! You can start all over!" I shout as he continues to back away. "ENCRE STOP!!!" He shouts at me. I fall to my knees. "I will do anything for you, even if you want me gone. If you want to chain me and torture me for the rest of my life. I do not care anymore... Just as long as you are happy." I sob hard. Fallacy looks horrified of me.

I hold myself hard while shaking. I then suddenly unlock the door and walk back to the window and stare out at the creek. Tears are streaming from my eyes as fast as the creek is flowing outside. "Lord Fallacy... The door is unlocked... I will not keep you near me if you do not wish to be. I understand my place now. Forgive me for earlier." I say lowering my head. I hear the door open and close. I throw the latch down and grip the window sill starting to sob hard. I fall to my knees placing my head against the stone. My body shaking hard as I am just there.

A New Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book Three)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang