Chapter 17

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I am running when I am grabbed suddenly. I grab at the hand covering mine. There are rogues around me that look scared. "They found us." I hear suddenly but it is very soft. "Let that one go." I hear. I get dropped and am panting for breath. "It is the Runt." I hear. I look around and then see who is apparently my grandfather. I stand and run over to him. He holds me to him tightly. "What is going on?" I ask. "Hunters, ones at your level. They are tracking us." He answers. My face becomes blank at that. "I can bide time for you all. But I need two others willing to die, even I might die trying to bid time." I state. "You will not be giving up your life. I refuse." He says. "If I can lead them to the traps and have the other two hide while I you know... I can kill them off while you all get off to safety." I state. He grimaces then waves his hand. Two step forwards and I turn to them "Hide near traps. Do not touch them till I tell you *points to the guy on the right* to gently set one off. Then move in to attack with me." I answer. "Warning, I might accidentally summon my mate during this." I say gently. They nod.

Time skip...

I am throwing out my hormones and I hear their quiet footsteps through the brush and trees. "That is a hunter." I hear. 'Now.' I think and a trap is set off. There is a gasp. I open my eyes and the hormones go away instantly. I stand and stretch hard. "Come here, you all ruined my trap anyways." I state. I see all of them and they all start stepping forwards. Suddenly traps start to go off and I smirk. "I was joking... You walked perfectly into it. How does it feel the other way around?" I say smirking as my eyes are glowing. A few get ready to come for me as I smirk. 'Now.' I think then more than two Rogues are there. 10 are there. I see three running and I use magic to sling shot them back before using magic to make a barrier.

Time skip...

I make it to Fallacy's Castle area and am looking around for it. There is nothing there, just a flower field. I lean against the closest tree confused. I hear movement and smell a familiar scent. I have blood and dust on me from last night. "You run really fast." I hear. I turn to see a small girl. "Show teeth." I say gently. The little girl has fangs. "Come here. Where is your family?" I say as she comes over as I sit with my legs bent against the tree. "In the royal village up ahead. My family told me not leave last night due to Lord Fallacy moving the castle and village." She says. I nod. "Want to help me find the castle?" I ask. She smiles and nods. "First do you know where a spring is?" I ask. She nods and takes my hand. I stand and follow her.

Suddenly we both drop and I grab onto her. My wings wrap around us as we continue to fall. Then we both hit the ground.  My vision comes to when I see I am chained and the little girl is hiding further away. I use magic to hide her. "He is awake." I hear. I suddenly get punched across the face. My head jerks to the right and then I hear someone crack their knuckles. "So big brother, you have committed treason. And I always looked up to you too. The scariest hunter to be known, and here you were killing your own. You were even secretly a mortal born." I hear then my eyes settle on Paint. I smirk hearing that "Is that the story Eterna told you?" I ask. He punches me again. "Story?" He scoughs with a laugh. "Not so smart are you. Do you remember nothing?" I laugh coldly. "You are a traitor and a mortal born you must be slain." He states. "Paint... You were born lucky... You have no idea how lucky you are." I say gently relaxing preparing for my death. Paint freezes hearing that. "I wished sometimes I had been born like you. Or never been born at all." I state. Paint turns and looks at me. "You had a perfect life... You were always perfect." He says angrily before punching me in the face again. "I am a cursed... So are you... Mother was a rogue vampire leader's child." I groan in pain. Paint is staring at me. "Is that why you chose mother and father?" He asks. "I was going to trade myself in, but mother saw the pain and agony I had been through up until that point. You know the burn she had in her hand?" I state. Paint looks off into the distance. "I remember it." He answers. "I begged her to kill me. I was mad at her for weeks and tried to do everything in my power for her to hate me enough to kill me. Because I have been in training since I was five or six just to look and seem normal. I ripped my fangs out and cut my own wings off to prove to Eterna that I wanted to live. And I used my claws to slice through my wings. I had convinced her not to kill you either." I say hopelessly. "But if you want to kill me, go ahead." I state. Suddenly there are two people behind me and I see a flash of gold to my side. "Tear out the traitors wings." I hear, before feeling agony as my wings are broken and torn off. I am crying out in agony and fighting in my chains. The agony is so bad. There is a blood pool around me as they finish cutting my wings off. I am hunched forwards in agony. I see Eterna staring in horror. I hear sobbing as well.  Her arms sling forwards and she backs up. My mind is spinning as I think 'This is how I am going to die...' The chains are only numb reminders of pain compared to my back. I lean forwards in my chains and there is screaming around me. "Encre!!!" I hear someone scream. 'Encre, do not give up.' I hear. I see a bright light there and my head is gently lifted up. It is a woman there. The chains break off of me and I see a dark skeleton figure. I hear a cry of agony suddenly. Blood drips from my mouth as a normal dagger goes through my soul. I touch my chest as my eyes are wide. Aĺl of my lives flash before my eyes.

The dagger is removed as I can see the little girl running for me. My brother has his gun pointed towards her. I move to protect her and push her out of the way. There is howling suddenly as I lay there in agony. Silver in my rib. I am lifted up suddenly and the little girl is there looking at me while I am covered in blood. "Do not give up yet." I hear.

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