Chapter 23

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I have now become leader since my Grandfather was killed. Adaline is now eight years old in mortal years. (For those who wanna know the math... Vampire years - mortal years = ÷8...
Mortal - vampire years = ×8) I go around all villages showing Adaline the traditions of Vampires and mortals. Twilight is allowed to leave and come with us and she does when she is not with Ruby or Pen. We are watching a huge festival happening in the Royal Vampire kingdom when Adaline asks me "Father why do we never set foot in the Royal kingdom? But are always so far away?" I smile at that. "I guess it is time for me to teach you about the rivalry between Rogue and Vampire. Where do I start?" I wonder as we are both looking down. "Vampires and Rogue may not seem different just by a simple look, it is like the human race. They are the exact same species but one thinks they are better than the other just for having a different pigment, or looking different on the outside. But what truly matters is what is in the inside. That is why your mother and I love each other very much so." I say gently. "How are we different from Vampires father?" She asks me gently. "Rogues... We are a lot more emotion and instict based, compared to their logic." I answer. "Is that why we have the dances the couples do. I have never seen You and Mother do one before." Adaline says smiling. I smile and say "Those are for rogues that have just gotten together and are going to mate. There are many other dances. Your mother and I have been together for many decades." I say gently before poking her nose.

Suddenly fireworks go off and Adaline is covering her ears. I smile gently and she looks up at me smiling. I see guards flying around now. I hear flying behind me and I bring Adaline onto my lap. "Lord Encre, we should go now." I hear. I nod and extend my wings following them.

Suddenly there are multiple vampire guards. I look at my guards and pass my daughter to one of them. "She gets back to her mother, no matter how many lives it takes." I say passing my cloak to cover her. "Stay quiet till the guard gets you back safely." I say and she nods. I then incase them both with magic and turn them invisible. "Rogues you are trespassing, either leave or being slain here." I hear then my daughter screams. I use my magic to bring her and the guard to me. The guard is gasping for air. "All I wanted was to see it papa! I just wanted to see the pretty colours!!!" She sobs in my arms. My guards get closer and start to circle around me in a kill circle. My daughter is crying hard. "I brought my daughter to see the festival. Since we do not have one going on currently. Plus she had been begging for me to bring her for years. So I made sure we kept our distance so we did not disrupt the vampire people." I state. "Who are you?" I hear suddenly. I then see him. I smirk standing. "I thought you would recognize me if you saw me. But I guess you do not." I state coldly. "Leader... Your child. These are matters of old. Your mate would not want your child to see you angry." I hear. I calm myself and nod picking her up. "Encre... You look old." He says suddenly. "And you do not?" I state. 'Leave me here. I will hope for you to have my daughter in my mate's custody by the time I return.' I think as my eyes go red. "Father? It is not the blood moon why are your eyes like that?" Adaline says as I pass her off. "Circle!" The leader says clutching Adaline tightly. "PAPA, NO!!!" She shouts. They all disappear when I hear "BREAK!" They all take off.

I am still standing there. "So... How is Lord Dream, Lord Night and all the rest of the lords?" I ask calmly. He is looking at me confused. "Oh do you all no longer meet anymore? I know the other kingdoms are blossoming quite well. Lord Night I like his concept though. I rebuilt almost like his village going up hill. We hid it all by trees with multiple other hills around. The scenery is nice though." I state calmly. "Encre... You really hate me do you not?" He asks. "Why would I not?" I ask smirking. "You have always been one to hold grudges." He growls. Then I project my last time seeing him into his mind as well as the guards. My perspective full of pleading and begging for anything. Fallacy looks surprised. "My grandfather took me before I feel into isolation. Because having a soulless in isolation just means for a pot of trouble." I state. "Where is your grandfather these days? He has not threatened my life in almost a century." Fallacy says. "Slain while captured, my life as well as my mate and newborn child's life was taken. I found out the thing that has been haunting me... Was THE anomalie here. I always thought that was your job to take care of not mine." I chuckle. Fallacy glares at me. "Take him into custody." He says. "No, can do. Twilight will have a fit if I am not home for dinner. Plus it is Woman's night. If I am not there for her every command I will be in the dog house so... I deeply do give my apologises but I have to go." I say going right through him. "Plus Fallacy, how can you catch something you can never keep?" I ask and the anger in his eyes are clear. I am just smirking. "You threw me away twice. I am not falling for it again. So preferably within the next following timelines, let me know when you want to commit and treat me like before. Or else I am taking this whole universe with me into the flaming hell it is heading towards." I state and watch it as it all sinks in for him. "Oh, and Error told me to say hi to you for him the next time I saw you." I state coldly. "At least he remembers to check in on me everyday since I married." I huff. "You what!!!!" He says angrily. "Your invitation must have been set on fire, oops." I say smartly. The guards are stating at both of us in shock. One of my elites appear upside down in front of me. They are very small. Fallacy goes to yell at me but I raise a single finger. "Yes, my dear?" I ask gently with a small smile. Then a deep voice says "The mortals have neared our settlement. Your orders are being awaited. And your daughter is safe with her mother." I nod and think. "Call an emergency meeting with all fourteen rogue settlements and villages near by and have messengers take off for the coast side villages to ask for progress on what their situations are. Please do not send trainees. The last emergency the one sent to the flaming city came back in such fright. I do not want to scare the youngings." I answer back. "Of course leader. I will be back once all the leaders have been notified. Set time for the meeting leader?" They say. "One hour, two hours at most. Charles and Fufu might get lost again. I would hate for that to happen. Fufu's mate would be histaricle if she got lost again." I say. "I will have them escorted then. Take care leader." They say before taking off running. I smile at that. I lower my finger and ask "Where were we?"

"Oh yes, I believe you were going to start shouting something at me." I state calmly. They are all looking at me shocked. "An hour? For everyone to get to your castle?" He asks. A step aside as a huge gust of wind goes by. A guard goes flying. "Oh, I hope they do not ruin the fireworks." I mutter then wince hearing the banging shift. I sigh. "Why could they not have gone around?" I mutter. They are all looking at me confused. "Cannot you all not hear... Oh, wait of course you all would not... You all do not use magic the way I do." I sigh. Suddenly there is another gust past me. I smile gently as they all look shocked. "Where is that village located?" I hear. "Oh that is a coast one, far past the ruined castle." I answer.

Suddenly they appear again. I look down and they nod "Charles and Fufu have already arrived as well as many leaders." They say. I nod and say "Good job today, care to join us at the table in an hour?" I ask. They nod before taking off again. "Before you ask that is a nymph. Head elite guard of the messenger patalion." I state calmly. I take a breath as I feel the connection in my head. Twilight then starts shouting at me 'WHY ARE YOU NOT HOME YET!!! YOU BETTER ANSWER ME OR YOU ARE NOT SLEEPING TONIGHT NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU BEG!!! AND ADALINE JUST TOLD ME YOU ARE TALKING WITH BIG BAD GUYS! WHO ARE THESE BIG BAD GUYS!!!' She shouts. The guards are clutching their heads. 'Remember my previous mate honey? He is currently keeping me hostage while I am dealing with very serious business and there will be a meeting in the hall in less than an hour. Can you be a dear and inform the nan? I should be done with the conflict before woman time okay my love? Anything in particular you would like for me to get before leaving to come see you and our darling?' I ask. 'Can you please come home? I have been hearing the marching and I am scared.' She says. I frown but then smile 'I will be home right away, I will pick you some wildflowers my love, but I will be home very soon.' I think. 'Purple and blue ones, lots of those.' I hear. 'Of course.' I think. Fallacy looks extremely sad as he is staring at me. "You really love her." He says. I look at him confused. It then clicks in. "Oh, she was using the vampire wave. I knew it felt different. I was so busy it must not have clicked in." I say gently. "And yes I do. She has been there for me since I was nineteen in mortal years. Back before I started to remember who you were. She was the one who told me about you and all of the kingdom. And after I somehow teleported and after falling through portal after portal for years, then being tortured for not reporting back on time and then trying to find the castle but a little girl told me I had just missed it as well as she had. Then I tried to find you with my magic and almost fell to my death with the little girl. I was almost killed my my little brother, he tore off my wings and tortured me for hours before nearly killing me. Pretty sure Lord Dream watched the whole thing. Then after I managed to come back to full health I spent years searching on foot when you had already given up by that point. Till one blood moon when I went to Twilight and asked her to teleport me to you, because that is her speciality, to help those praying and begging to find their lovers and mates, who share the same bond back. She told me you had given up and my side broke instantly as soon as I said those words... She hates me fir going back to you the second time, but as she kept and keeps telling me is "love is blind and the person has to figure it out on their own.". But I can already hear your question... You must be really happy. My answer. Yes, I am... But there was a time when I was happier. When I was in the garden in that one timeline After Charles and Marget tortured me into forgetting. And you taught me how to smile and laugh again, and showed me who I really was with my brother Paint. When you watched me paint." I state. Fallacy looks shocked at my words. "Or when I watched you teach our child the piano and you would smile every time he did it right." I state before turning around. "Take care Fallacy." I say before running off.

A New Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book Three)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang