Chapter 9

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You entered the forest and soon disappear within it. The sounds of the village soon disappearing as well. Birds are chirping and the forest is busy. I stop and turn off the well walked path I see hunters walking back and I nod to them and they nod to me. "Sir, Encre. Where are you going?" I hear. "Classified information, but do know if I am not back in seven to eight days to assume I am dead or turned." I state coldly continuing on.

Time skip...

I stop and enter a familiar area. I take my bag off and set it down. They all crawl out and transform. "Thank y-" one starts but it cut off my howling. "What this far out?" One says. I take my hunting knife out and get low. I walk away from the group. I then see a few wolves there. They look at me and start to growl. I slowly move onto one knee and keep eye contact with the leader. The others are circling around me and the leader. I lower my eyes to the leader and they place their head against mine. The other wolves bow as well. I raise my free hand and they smell. I place my hand on their head and I pet them gently.

Time skip...

The wolf pack has been following us for awhile as we go for the furthest castle as the Lord's are all in meetings there. The meetings never start till the last Lord arrives. Currently the wolves are silent, meaning they are listening. The Lord's are all sleeping. I stand silently as the wolves have a scent. I smell it too. I go up to the leader and look back at the group and back at them. They nod and back up. I then go for the kill. I find a hooded figure just standing there. I do a small prayer before going for the attack. Their hood falls and they look at me such a familiar face. I am unable to attack. Suddenly they have me pinned and I hear "Do not move hunter, if you want to live." I remain silent and relaxed. I feel teeth graze against my exposed. "Why would a hunter be all the way out here?" A woman chuckles. "I am escorting a few lords, to Lord Furry's Castle. I hunt only Rogues." I answer. "Only rogues, that is dangerous." I hear. I remain still and silent as she makes a wound with her teeth. "You have rogue blood in you." She giggles silently. I keep completely calm. "What will it take to scare you?" She asks. I remain silent still. She sinks her teeth into me but quickly pulls it out. I close my eyes due to how rough it was. "A child Vampire is more gentle than that." I say smartly. "So you care for vampires, but kill your own." She whispers. I do not reply. "I smell the faint scent of our king off of you. You have not been near him for a long, long time." She laughs. "I am starting to think you know someone called Twilight." I state. She is taken back by that statement. "So she was telling the truth... I shall be by the castle when you arrive." She says before disappearing.

Time skip...

We are all walking and the Lord's look hungry. I grab my bow and arrows I have on my back and set down my pack. "Let us take a rest, can someone start a fire?" I ask. They all nod as I take off into the woods.

Time skip...

It took me longer to prepare the meat then to hunt the deer. It is half a day later when we get back on our way. The lords are eating the quickly dried deer meat as we are walking along. I can see the castle up ahead as we walk along. One of the lords let out a sigh. "Hunter, will you at least stay the night?" One asks. "I will be in the area, I would rather not leave my wolves alone." I state stopping at the edge of the forest. "We came to bring you to Lord Fallacy, it would be a waste for you to just go." A lord says. I look down at my wolf companion. They nod and turn and walk away. "It has been decided, but do know, there will be attempts at my life." I state calmly. They nod.

We enter the castle and servants all rush to the Lords. I remain at the door silent. "Hunter please follow us." One says suddenly. I nod following. I had kicked off all the dirt off my boots outside. I follow pulling the hood further over my face. "Do not be so nervous." I hear. "I am a hunter, surroundedby unfamiliar territory with people I was taught to fear and hate all my life, with a corrupt memory. There is nothing to not be nervous about." I state calmly. "He has a point, plus we have no idea how many he has killed of us." A lord says. I remain silent at that. I see flashes of that girl when I was fourteen.

Suddenly a huge set of doors open. "We are here!" A lord exclaims. "We were starting to worry, we thought the Hunter..." They trail off. "Actually the funny thing is, the Hunter protected us and guided us here." A lord beside me says. There is heavy tension in the room. I reach up with both hands and pull my hood down. I open my eyes. I look around to see a familiar scene. "Is that..." I hear. I kneel surprising the Lords I was with. I keep my head down. I hear a chair move and then there are footsteps. I see a shredded cape and boots. I close my eyes knowing what is coming, I accept death. "Look up." I hear. I do as told, and look up opening my eyes. Fear is hidden but shows in the colours of my eyes. The eyes I meet are fully of worry and care, as well as hidden lust. He reaches a hand to my face. "Encre... Do you remember us?" He asks. I am shocked that he knows my name. "I-I have no memories, but my dreams. They are of Vampires and the kingdoms, as well as you." I say calmly. His eyes sparkle at that.

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