Chapter 27

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Three decades and five years later...

Fallacy and I are dancing gently back and forth to the music I love the most. He stops and spins me gently before we come together again and we continue to dance. He kisses me gently and I kiss him back as the music stops. There is laughter and clapping as we both bow. The Annual Forever ball is always nice to go to. All the lord's and their partners are there and it is always great fun.

As the excitement comes to an end I go onto Lord Furry's balcony. I feel weird and out of place all of a sudden remembering when I had been crying multiple timelines ago for it was the day my brother had died. A servant was scared and I had given him comfort. I was with Leocade or later known as the previous timeline's Fallacy, then.

I let out a sigh as someone approaches and then wraps their arms around me. I look down to see Fallacy's clothing and hands there. I let myself relax into him. I still feel out of place standing there. "What is wrong?" I hear. "Tired is all." I answer gently. "Encre, please do not lie to me." I hear him whisper. "As usual, I feel out of place is all." I say gently. He kisses my cheek. "I hope in time it will pass my love." He says gently before squeezing me semi-tightly. "I do too." I say gently. I try to avoid feeling happy as much as possible since I remembered what Toriel said to me.

Half a decade later...

I am taking a walk through the forest and I see Paint doing the same. I have a cloak on as he starts to slow seeing me. I feel something coming and he is jumping out of the road as well as I am. He then tackles me and I gasp as he is on top of me. I open my eyes and he says "Ma'am are you alright?" I see a worried look on his face as I answer "Um, yes. Forgive me, I was lost in thought again." He nods and sits up. He stands and helps me up. Suddenly there is screeching and howling. Paint gets in from of me and keeps me against a tree. My eyes glow green as many other green eyes appear through the dark. Mine start to switch to red and they back off. "We should be safe now." I hear suddenly. I let my eyes become normal as he turns around. "You look like you are not from around these parts." He says with a gentle smile. "I am not. I am Lord Fallacy's mate. I do apologize for you having to protect me." I say gently. "How are you with that bastard?" He asks and my face stays blank. My eyes white as I have a blank expression. "It is not all that hard. As long as you do as he tells you and you listen. It is hard though at times when he mourns his previous mate." I say gently. Paint looks shocked. "That was my older brother." He says gently. I frown before smiling gently. "We have to find her!" I hear suddenly. "I'm over here!" I shout. I then pat Paint on the head. "Be safe alright? Make sure you get back home to your family or kingdom!" I say turning with a soft and tired smile.

Two years and eight months later...

I am starting to feel much more comfortable being around the people, and butlers and maids of Fallacy's Castle. "Encre, how was last night?" I hear suddenly and I turn to see Fallacy there. "It was alright. It was weird the rogue lords all looking at me that way." I say gently. "You are still not comfortable are you?" He asks taking the pain brush from my hand and sets it down gently. I turn my full attention to him ignoring the dripping paint from the brush. "Encre, smile a little more. You have a very beautiful smile. Please." Fallacy says while gently taking my hand into his. I set down the paint palette and place my now free hand over top of his. I remember a few very happy memories of mine. Holding his hand while I was pregnant. I go to hold my stomach like in the memory but become very disappointed. Fallacy pulls me into him and holds me close. "It is okay, Encre." He whispers gently. "Fallacy... I miss Jasper. We haven't been able to raise him at all so far." I say gently. Fallacy's eyes widen and he says "Let us raise him till he is an adult then, the best he can." I smile gently at that and nod as I move into him, resting my head in the nook of his neck.

A Decade and a half later...

I am holding my stomach looking out the window of the nursery, after all these years of trying, I finally got pregnant. "Encre... Care to take a walk with me?" I hear. I turn with a smile and nod seeing Fallacy there. It took me a long time to adapt to this new lifestyle. I now fit in well and feel some what normal. I go to take a step but suddenly I feel wet. Fallacy's eyes widen looking at me. "Fallacy... Jasper is coming... And... He is not taking... *a large amount of pain* Ah! It slow!" I panic. Fallacy rushes over to me and holds me to him. He then picks me up as I start to contract.

Time skip...

Jasper's birth was very painful and took almost a full day but I am holding him carefully, feeling nothing but pure joy and happiness. Suddenly I remember Eterna killing me after watching Jasper going through a portal. I take a deep breath. "Encre... Are you alright?" I hear. I look up to see Error. I nod with a smile. "I cannot wait till you cross over, Encre." He says. I nod. "I hope I can." I say gently. I show Jasper to Error and he smiles. "Error... Why did you kill all the Ink's?" I ask. He is silent for but a few moments. "Because they were not you." He says gently. I nod and smile. "They were different, you have passion in your eyes, for someone so emotionless and has been through hell... You still have so much suffering to do." He says stroking Jasper's face. "I am trying my hardest not to forget... But it is hard." He says with a frown. I nod in complete understanding. "Error... I have a bad feeling about this timeline. *A long pause.* Error can you answer something for me?" I ask. He nods looking curious. "Do you remember the sky being so red?" I ask curiously. He looks up and frowns. "No... They used to be so blue." He answers.

He begins to glitch out all of a sudden startling us both. I sit up despite the pain. "I WILL NOT FORGET YOU!!! I WILL FIND YOU AGAIN!!!" He shouts before disappearing. The ground has begun to shake outside and then there is screaming. The door slowly creaks open and I feel complete fear as my head turns slowly towards it. Fallacy is there smirking his eyes completely black. It is too late to save the timeline and the universe. 'I should have went with Reaper.' Is the last thought I have before screaming as Fallacy attacks and kills me.

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