Chapter 15

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I wake up being held gently from behind. The pain is no longer there and I feel so relaxed. I feel a hand over my hand then someone cuddling up to me from behind. I smell the air and it is Fallacy there. I relax again and lean into him. There is a knock at the door and then it opens. "Lord Fallacy time to wake up. The guests are downstairs and waiting for you." I hear suddenly. "I shall be down shortly, leave and let me get dressed." Fallacy says. "Of course Lord Fallacy, would you like me to alert the other guest as well?" They ask. "No, but do bring me other clothes for me to give them. Because if our other guests saw them in hunter clothes they would be very concerned." Fallacy says holding me close. "Of course my lord." They say before leaving. "How do you feel?" Fallacy asks suddenly. "I am no longer in pain." I say gently. He let's go and sits up. I sit up as well. He then kisses my cheek. I blush at that. 'This is going to take a lot to get used to.' I think with a concerned expression on my face. 'I know it will, but you will be fine.' I hear. I freeze solid hearing that. "How... How were you able to hear my thoughts? And I yours?" I ask shocked. "Mates hear every thought, every emotion when up close, and they have a private connection for when they are farther. You will get used to it." He whispers as he stands from the bed. He is completely naked and I cannot stop staring. 'I am a man, I am a man, I am a man, I am a man!' I think really fast in my head turning away my face covered in a blush. Fallacy only smiles at me.

Time skip...

We are going down the stairs and I am wearing some tight clothes, but poofy. Not anything like what I am used to. I am keeping my gaze low due to being around nobles. I hear the large doors of the castle open and hear "Fallacy!!! Fallacy!!! I have an extreme emergency!!!" It is a woman's voice. Fallacy steps in front of me keeping a hand behind him. 'Stay behind me and use your magic to hide yourself.' I hear. I do as told without question. "Yes, Eterna?" Fallacy asks. "Encre... My Rogue hunter, I have had three reports that he was undercover and was killed by a horde of Vampires, please... I know he is a mate of a noble vampire. I do not know how you can do it, but please help me find him." She pleads. I am taken by surprise. "Encre, uncloak yourself." Fallacy says gently. I appear and step out a little. His hand is there still so I grab it gently. "So, I did not brain wash him well enough." Eterna says with a laugh. My soul hurts hearing that. 'Do not take it to soul, Encre.' I hear. He holds my hand gently and it feels nice. My soul is almost glowing through the fabric of my shirt. "His memories are very patchy, and a coma? Is that the best you could do, Eterna?" Fallacy says coldly, leading me down the stairs. Eterna gets a good look at me.

"You look so much bigger in your hunter uniform, but your height might be because of you standing beside the King of Vampires. *sigh* So... Encre who is your mate? You seem to no longer be in heat." Eterna says. A soft blush appears on my cheeks as I hold Fallacy's hand tighter. 'May I?' He asks. 'Yes.' I answer. "He is my mate. I have been waiting for him to remember me for the past two decades." Fallacy says. Eterna bursts into laughter at that. I hide behind Fallacy slightly. Fallacy turns to see my face. I feel ashamed for being there suddenly.

"Encre, what is it?" Fallacy asks. 'Do I belong here?' I ask. A frown appears on his face but a gentle smile forms. 'Encre, you will always belong here, with the vampire people. Painting, smiling, dancing and caring for everyone. But I understand that things will be very different then from before... So just be you.' Fallacy says to me bringing our hands to his forehead. I see flashes and hear "What should I call you?" "Please call me Fallacy." "Alright."

I come back seeing Fallacy looking at me worriedly. "Encre, are you alright?" He asks. I nod gently, then see myself changed up and see him there wearing gloves with a chain. I see him starting to hit me with it and I can feel the phantom pains. I come out of it and I have to blink a few times. "Encre, your eyes keep going white, are you alright?" Fallacy asks helping me sit down. 'I do not know... I think I am remembering things, but they are so weird.' I think to him. He looks shocked suddenly. "I can see what you just saw..." He says and he takes my hand gently. "You are not to be alone, do not leave my side." He says. I nod slowly.

Time skip...

I am sitting on Fallacy's right side as he is leading a meeting. Many of the lords are looking towards me. One then says "Lord Fallacy who is this beside you?" A lord coughs while rolling their eyes. "Encre introduce yourself, and be you." Fallacy says. I nod gently, while standing from my seat. I then bow a royal bow before saying "My name is Encre, better known as the famous Rogue hunter. I am or should I say *looks towards Fallacy to see him smiling, before looking back at everyone else* was a cursed, with rogue blood." 'Tell them.' Fallacy says. "I am... I am also Lord Fallacy's mate." I manage to get out. There is silence at the table. I bow feeling vulnerable. "Encre, please sit. You did not say anything wrong. They are just not used to me having a mate." Fallacy says out loud. I nod and sit down. "You also might remember for those of you who have been around over two decades, Encre was the child that was always near me or Lord Night and Lord Dream." Fallacy says. I see flashes of gold and black capes. Suddenly I see a skeleton like me wearing blue and gold turning to dust with a smile with eyes full of pain. I come to while grabbing my head. "I knew I recognized him." I hear to my right. I look to see Gold and Blue. He smirks at me. "It seems like you have been busy all these years with Eterna." He says. Then I remember seeing a flash of gold every once and a while. 'I shall ask later.' I think just to myself. Fallacy coughs and then everyone goes back to the meeting.

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