Chapter 19

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I let out a gentle breath as I release my arrow. It makes the bull's eye again. There is clapping. "Runt, have you found a mate yet?" I hear. "No, I have not yet." I answer collecting my arrows. "Come on it has been years since your last one left you." I hear. I sigh and say "I know, I must not have any trust still is all." I then smell his scent and a deep sadness fills me. "Talk of the bastard too many times he bloody appears." I hear suddenly. My grandfather appears suddenly as well. "Come, we have many things to discuss." He says. "Of course." I say gently. I follow him then there is screaming. Grandfather and I both run back to the hut. We see Fallacy and multiple guards there. I draw my bow and arrow and point it directly at Fallacy's soul. There is a look of anger in my eyes. "Encre you have a lot to explain." Fallacy growls. "You have a lot to explain to him, you broke the bond years ago, when he found out he mourned, he still refuses to mate till this day. And you expect him to just come crawling back do you not?" My grandfather says knowing I am concentrating. Fallacy looks shocked at that. "He disappeared for years." Fallacy argues. "You do not even know what happened to him do you?" I hear my grandfather say in misbelief. "Runt, let us go. Your brother must be worried by now, and you might miss the fighting if we take any longer." My grandfather says briskly. I relax and put my arrow back. Fallacy looks angry as I turn away. "You turn your back to me and I will never forgive you."  He says. "The feelings will be mutual then?" I state calmly.

Time skip...

I have my opponent in a chokehold as they struggle. They tap out and I let go. "Inked wins again!!!" I hear. Twilight runs over to me and kisses me on the cheek. I am then handed the money and the crowd goes wild. G nods to me in respect. Suddenly someone else steps onto the field. I look and see Fallacy there. Twilight bursts into laughter at that. "Look who finally shows up after abandoning his mate and left him to die." She snickers and Fallacy looks shocked at that. Twilight then turns and walks off after giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Another fight has begun." I hear. I use my magic to have the money passed to Twilight. "Best skeleton wins!" I hear. Then Suave is beside Fallacy. Fallacy groans and passes his cloak to him. I crack the joints in my knuckle as he does so.

There are bets being placed all onto the king and that only makes me smirk when I hear G say "I am fairly certain Inked will win. He is up against his previous mate that left him to die after all." Bets shift slightly then I hear "No fang play. No extreme injuring of the other. This is till passing out or passing out." I nod before getting into my hunter pose. All emotion is drained off my face. People know I am serious when I am in this stance, so there is more space as people back up. "Fight begins when ever." I heard quite loudly. Fallacy and I start circling each other. He knows how I used to fight by heart, so I am planning on tricking him. "Oh another rule, it is till also first drop of blood, but remember no fang play or heavily injuring of the other." I hear. Fallacy looks towards them while they are talking. I attack and trip him. He falls and his servants all jump and one shouts "That is cheating!" "The fight has begun, it was just an additional rule being added, the fight was not paused." I hear as I jump back waiting for him to stand. "You were always one for cheap shots." He says standing. I then charge towards him and then dodge quickly while turning before slipping him into a headlock and bringing him down to his knees there is shouting and howling. "Encre!!! Go!!!" I hear Twilight shouts happily. Both my names are being shouted. Fallacy manages to throw me off and I roll. He is grabbing his throat panting as I stand up effortlessly. I just get back up and into stance. Fallacy gets into his stance as well. We starting throwing punches and dodging. I manage to break his defense and punch him in the ribs multiple times before retreating to the other side of the fighting ring. Fallacy comes at me this time and I dodge but suddenly he is showing me old memories of him torturing me. I drop to my knees panting in pain. "That... That is cheating." I pant before watching him relax and going to take a step. I trip him and pin him down hard while punching him in the head. I punch him over and over again. I reel back and hard while he is struggling and I punch him with all I have. Blood goes flying from his face. I push myself off of him. "Inked wins the fight, he is the first to draw blood." I hear. Twilight rushes over to me and sees how I am in extreme emotional pain. She helps me sit down and sooths my head. She gasps suddenly. "He did cheat." She says holding me close. "You won, and now you have the reputation of beating the vampire king. Come on." She says gently. I hear shouting as I hear Twilight screams suddenly. She lets go of me. I grab my head seeing multiple horrible memories. 'Be happy I left you Encre. But do know I love you still.' I hear. I watch as Fallacy and I are being pulled away from each other. Twilight is there trying to calm my thoughts and she is panicking. I roll over grabbing my head in agony. It breaks and I stand with help. My grandfather is holding me while placing his hand to my seal on the back of my neck. He sees everything that I saw. He holds me tightly. "No wonder you are so angry." He says holding me a little looser.

Time skip...

I am walking around with G when I hear "You were really the vampire king's mate?" I turn and see fellow rogues that are females. I nod. "Hm, yes I was. Have not been for years. But before you even think of trying... He likes young mortal boys. I did not even know I had a mate till I was nineteen did not meet him till I was twenty six." I state before walking away. "Why were you grabbing your head after the fight?" I hear. "The torture I went through while training to be a hunter, because I am a cursed as well as the two times he left me to die." I state. "How would he know them?" I hear. "Mates share everything. Thoughts, memories. Even after breaking bonds they can be shared." G answers. I start to walk away calmly. "Inked!!!" G shouts to me.

G's P.O.V...

"Thing is with Inked and the vampire king. They are soulmates. They have life times of memories together. I got to see along side Twilight what memories were there. I was holding Twilight back from killing the king herself. That king... Stay away from him, unless you want to be as scarred as Inked." I say coldly. The girls cross their arms. "He is a king. Sitting in luxury must be great." One giggles. I show them a memory I got to see.

"Encre... My dear you are awake. How did you sleep?" It is the king's voice. Encre looks horrified as he is curled into a ball covered in chains. His eyes turn white and there is a pool of tears and blood around him. "No more... Please... Please... Just kill me... Just kill me..." The king starts to abuse him and I end it while he is watching Encre sob.

"Must be a good luxury to be with him." I scough before turning away. "Stay away from the king period, you are Rogues, he is a vampire." I hear suddenly. It is leader. I bow my body. "Inked come." I hear leader says. A chill goes up my spine. Encre walks and pats me on the shoulder, that is his way of saying 'All good.'

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