Chapter 8

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Five years later...

I am walking through the forbidden forest relaxing. My dreams have been playing the exact same one over and over for a long time now. I am startled by crying. I see a small child there. "Hey, are you lost?" I ask. They look up at me. "I lost my friends. We were picking berries for our dinner when they went up ahead." They say. Flashes start happening of this same conversation in my mind, but slightly different, I look a lot different though. "Come on, you live in the west village right?" I ask. They nod surprised. They take my gloved hand and we start walking. I pick them up suddenly and start running with them. There is shouting and bullets are flying. I dodge traps and stuff. My hood falls down as I land in front of the village. I see children running towards us with a few adults. "Thank you sir." They say. I am clearly injured but I pat them on the head and turn to walk away. "Sir... Do you want medical help?" I hear. "I cannot be here long. Plus if you knew who I really was you would be running away." I saw coldly. "You are a hunter, but you are different. If you were like them you would have killed me." They say. The children and adults are keeping their distance. I hear rustling and I draw my gun and shoot. It was a hunter of a bigger rank than me. I am panting as they drop to their knees and fall to the side. I swallow seeing the musket. "I have to stage his death further away. Be safe. Oh and the next time you see your king... Lord Fallacy, tell him that Encre is painting." I say gently. I pick the body up and the modified musket. "I promise to tell him! All of us do!" I hear. I smile gently before carrying the body off into the distance.

Almost three years later...

My door bursts open and my gun is raised to the intruders. Familiar looking people are there. It is the middle of the night currently. I point them all into the room with my gun and then my magic shuts the door. I grab a shirt and my gun is floating. "Who are you and why are you here?" I ask coldly. "We were given a message that was originally given to a child two years ago." I hear. I holster my gun myself and deactivate my magic. "Forgive me, I am on edge with all the rogues roaming about." I say calmly. "That is understandable." One says. "So, you are a vampire hunter." Another says. "I specialize with Rogues, so technically yes." I say. "Your memory has been messed with has it not?" I hear from behind me. "Brainwashed when I was a child. A tramp told me that a long time ago. Apparently I have to meet my mate, she told me it was Lord Fallacy as she told me to refer to him as." I say sitting back down. They gulp. "We cannot take you to our king." One says. "I know the exact location of every single village under which Lord's rule. That includes the current main leader of the most vicious rogues out there. I even remember how many rooms and chandeliers are in the castle Lord Fallacy is in." I state. They look shocked. "I only remember it in my dreams. I was counting them all with Lord... Night. I think was him. I only remember what was said in my dreams." I say with a sigh. They are staring at me hard. "You are the young lord, but you must be in your late twenties, early thirties now." One says. "Yeah. I am twenty six. I will be twenty seven in a few months." I say. Gun shots go off outside. "HELP ME!!!" I hear a man scream. I grab my gun and slam the door closed behind me. I see a rogue over a woman and child, as they are being dragged out of their home. I shoot them in their skull and then stake the rogue behind me. I then throw my stake across the way and hit one in the chest. They stumble back before I throw a giant rock and kill them. The sun is rising. Howling is heard as I am ready to fire my gun again. Suddenly a royal guard is coming towards me, eyes green. I raise my gun to them and the bullet goes through their head. They turn to dust instantly.

Eterna is there right away and smiles. "Encre! You still got it! No fear!" She says. "Sir. How many civilians were killed?" Someone asks. "Those two and the man inside the home is probably dead as well. We lost a royal guard, he was turned. He was zombie like, recently bit. I know if I was turned, I would want to be put out of my misery." I say coldly. Eterna nods knowing the truth behind the statement. I turn and then Someone stops me. "You are bleeding..." I hear. I nod. "I shall tend my wound." I state. Suddenly a bullet flies past my cheek. "Hey, big brother. Always off in a hurry. Slow down a little once in awhile." I hear. "Paint, you look well." I state turning slightly.

Suddenly I see a blur coming towards me but to my side. I pin a safety pin on them as I reach up and place my hands behind my head. "Been better, lost three people in my squad in last night's attack." He says. "So how has the rogue hunter been? Find any more nests of the pests?" He laughs. 'I have never seen Paint this old before.' I hear. 'And we have never seen the young lord this mature this early.' I hear some else say. "No, but I shall be hunting today. If you excuse me I have to pack for a week's journey." I state coldly. "Encre let me come for once." He says. "Paint, you are still a trainee, you die. I shall feed your corpse to the rogues like they are pigeons." I state coldly. "So, cold big brother." He says walking over to me. "Plus it is not like you made a deal to keep me while giving mother and father up. You might as well should have killed them yourself. Could not hurt to kill me as well." Paint says. 'What deal?' I hear. "Stay at the camp. You will live longer." I say hitting him walking past him. I pause and say "Plus, it was the look in your eyes that day that saved you." I then walk back into my home.

Time skip...

I am watching the vampire's in my home sit and do nothing. "All of you turn into bats." I order suddenly. They all look taken back as I open my pack. "Any of you even squeaks I shall stake you there on the spot." I state calmly. I stand and put my hunting gear and my cloak on. It is olive green with brown patches. Most people know who I am when they see my cloak. When I return they are all in my pack. I close them in and put them on my back. "I am leaving now. It will take thirty minutes to leave and go to Rufous to collect gear. It will get hot for five minutes. Now keep your mouths shut." I state opening my door and locking it. I take off for the blacksmith.

Moments later...

I arrive at the blacksmith and open the large door. "Rufous!" I shout. I hear muttering from behind the shelves. I peak my head around the corner to see Rufous and Azure there.

"Last night's attack was rough huh?" I say. They both look up at me. Rufous blushing a ton while Azure looks so innocent when I have seen him with his team in trouble. "Hey, Azure. I am sorry about William." I say gently. Azure looks saddened. "No one could have known Sir Encre. You must be going on another hunt." Azure says. I nod. "I shall get your usual gear then." Azure is looking at the ground. "How do you do it, Sir Encre?" Azure asks suddenly. "You do not want to know what made me this way Azure." I say gently. He looks up at me curiously. "I truly do sir." He says gently.

I nod and then shift my body to be more comfortable. "I have been training since I was almost seven. Vampire hunter training is hard. And as most people know the Rogue leader took my parents and my little brother, quite awhile back. The leader told me it was my parent's lives or my brother's. They... My family had no idea of the choice. My brother had tears in his eyes and they were so fearful. My father and mother knew and they nodded at me. My mother holding onto my father. I held back my tears when I said 'my parents'. And as promised they gave me back my little brother. He has hated my guts since that day." I say. Azure looks really sad. "It is true too, and do not forget that other thing." I hear. I see Eterna coming close. "He is not normal, he is different and was trained to deal with his differences." She says and I leave the room right away. "What do you mean ma'am?" Azure asks. "His mother was a cursed, a child of half mortal and rogue. Making Sir Encre a quarter. He chopped his own wings off when he was ten and ripped out his fangs. He is exactly like us, but faster. Which makes him good at his job." I hear. Rufous gives me my supplies and I thank him, before leaving.

A New Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book Three)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon