Chapter 16

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Fallacy had told me to wait up in the room for him, and he seemed very worried for me. I am currently walking up the steps when there is a presence with a musty smell. "Encre, can we talk?" I hear. I turn to see flashes of Gold and Blue. I feel myself falling suddenly. I hit something blacking out.

I wake up feeling myself being dragged. I blink awake to see snow and thick trees. My head is still spinning. "The kid is waking up, take a pause." I hear. I then see a skeleton there. "Hey, are you alright?" They ask. I am trying to get my eyes to settle on him but then fear fills me. "Kid, hey, hey. Relax, when the storm is over I can bring you back to your universe." They say. I am confused by that seeing flashes but these ones are painful. I grab my head in pain. My head is burning but it soon ends. I am panting hard still holding my head. I feel someone rubbing my head gently. "Hey, you will be alright." I hear. I take in a jagged breath and swallow hard. I am taking in everything slowly. I remember but I am nodding slowly taking things in.

A few days later...

The snow has not stopped yet as we are sitting on the couch. I am very off put and ready to fight. "Encre, how old are you?" I hear. "I am in my late twenties." I answer calmly. "I was startled when you grew over night." I hear. "I was as well, but you also must remember that the timeline I am in is messed up." I state calmly. "You have been here for possible thirty minutes in your timeline." They state. I nod calmly. I lean forwards looking at them. "Papyrus... I know this is an awkward question for you but... How many times have I seen you, and not have any memory?" I ask. He looks surprised and he is silent. His fingers moving. "About seven times young lord." He answers after a few moments.

I let out a sigh and I shift slightly. "God this is annoying, like I remember but it is so foggy, but I feel no different." I growl. "Should I not like be different, be the same as in my memories? Like I am almost the same as I was prior to me getting here. I am still angry and very large compared to my memories." I  add with growling. Papyrus sighs in front of me. "It is hard, I go through it a lot as well. Ink and Error usually jog my memory as soon as I see them." He says. I nod leaning back. I stand suddenly and go to the door. It is still storming out. I close the door. "And why do I have this awful habit of passing out what is that?" I ask. He shrugs. "Like every time I pass out something bad happens every single time. Like until I meet Fallacy this timeline, I passed out once!!! Once!!! And you know what I woke up in bed being cared for by two really hot girls! Then. Then I found out that I have a mate, and it is none other than the King! The KING!!! Of vampires and that everything ever told to you is a lie. I find out that I was brainwashed and that these dreams I was having were my memories of past events... Across timelines... Now... Now  I am expected to just jump in like it was just another timeline... I am attracted to woman... Not guys, but Fallacy is a male and he is my mate. I honestly just do not know what to do!" I rant while pacing back and forth.  I stop and smell a familiar scent. "Your brother is home." I state calmly. Right before the door opens. "You need to relax the storm will settle on its own." Papyrus says calmly. I sit down on the couch with a groan. "How come you all have control of teleporting and stuff and I do not?" I ask. "We just know. But it is how you control and focus your magic." Sans says. I huff in response.

Almost a month later...

I am outside while the snow is still coming down hard. I am stretching and breathing deeply. I hear a door open as I am finishing stretching. My wings shoot out from my back. I then shoot up towards the ceiling to see the clouds there. I then dive through them before disrupting them and pushing them further away. I soon land and Papyrus is looking at me with his jaw dropped. "I have been bored, so I have been plotting and planning." I state calmly. Papyrus smiles and walks outside before he makes a circle around me. "What are you doing?" I ask. "There is a circle. Now fill it with magic and think of where you want to go. Warning you'll fly around for awhile since I didn't give you the exact place." He says. I sigh and say "Thank you. Maybe see you soon." I say before filling the circle with magic. Suddenly I get sucked down and it closes above me. I am screaming while falling.

I am being pulled and thrown about for what now seems to be forever. I suddenly see stone and wood. I am screaming and now praying for a quick death. I see someone coming into the portal. I am still falling and I land on them. My vision is blurry and I groan in pain. I hear groaning as well. There is running and shouting. I blink a few times. I cover my mouth as I roll over. I embrace the floor. "I am never moving again, that was terrifying." I mutter. I then see a blue hand. "Encre, you always are trying to use your magic to get around faster, it does not work out well each and every time." I hear. I look up to see recruits and Eterna there. "Eterna... I was falling for hours... I thought I was going to die." I mutter. She howls with laughter before helping me up. "Eterna who is this?" I hear. "Name's Encre, Rogue hunter." I state calmly. "He is still training and he has been since he was younger than all of you." She says. I cover my mouth feeling sick. "How long were you falling?" She asks. "Hours... I am pretty sure I passed out at some point." I answer regaining my composure. She laughs at me. I see I am in my hunter clothing. I stand taller than the recruits and taller than normal. "The blood moon is on its way, Encre. Care to join us inside the village?" Eterna asks. "I will have to go and retrieve my things. I want to secure my traps before the moon begins." I answer. She nods and smiles. "Make sure you do not end up dead. I need your skills." She says. I nod and then take off towards the gate.

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