Chapter 18

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I wake up in pain. I see that I am on a bed surrounded by pillows. I am being fed blood through a bag that is hanging. There are quite a few people in the room. I feel my leg being moved and being bandaged. "He was missing for months." I hear. "No one has any idea where he was. The young lord must have been in so much pain." I hear. I open my eyes again and hear a gasp. "Where am I?" I mutter. "You are in the royal village for Rogues. Leader is on his way to see you." I hear. I nod. "What... What happened to that little girl?" I mutter. "She is in the next room. She only has a few scrapes." I hear. I nod and wince as my back hurts. "You were injured pretty bad were you not Runt?" I hear suddenly. I see one of the guards for rogues there. "So they ripped your wings off. Now you are like the rest of us." He smirks. "I can regenerate mine... I just... Need to feed." I answer in pain. "Feed?" They say. "Flesh and blood. Same way as getting limbs back for us rogues." I hear. I then see him the leader of rogues there. "Can you stand?" He asks. "I am unsure. I lost a lot of blood." I answer. He comes over and helps me up. I sag into him. "We will be back." I hear then there are flashes of blue.

I get helped up and then we are in the middle of a village. One comes for us and we both attack. He protects me as I feed. I drink and eat only as much as possible. I feel a hand on my head and I relax a lot. "Come on, unless you want to wipe out our food source." I hear. "Extend your wings." He orders and I do as told. "Good as new." I hear. We both fly up and there is shouting and bullets flying. I am flying farther up just flying when I see him landing already. I dodge a canon ball and land right away. My wings fold behind me. And I smile up at the sky. "Runt. Let us go." I hear. I nod and follow.

Years later...

I am in the village I remember being a gypsy in The Hole. I enter inside with a cloak on. The end stall looks dull and empty. I hear a squeal as I enter. "Is that the Runt?" I hear. I look around while pulling my hood down. There is a large scar across my face now. "Young Lord. It has been quite a few years." I hear to my right suddenly. I look to see Twilight there. "How have you been Twilight?" I ask calmly. "I have been well, please follow." She says and I nod.

We enter into her booth and then there is that pull. "Encre... What you seek I cannot give." She says. "What do you mean?" I answer. "You no longer have a mate. He broke the bond, years ago. I cannot transport you to him." She says. I nod feeling great sadness. "You are free when you break your half." She says coming over to me and holding my hand. "I break my side of my bond." I say gently as a tear leaks from my eye. "You spent so long looking for him, yet he did not even try." She says kissing my cheek. Suddenly the magic in the room becomes too much no longer having a mate bond during a blood moon. "Twilight... What is this?" I ask. "It is how all of us Vampires and Rogues feel during blood moons." She answers before kissing me. I kiss back on instinct. We continue further on and I pin her down having my way with her.

Time skip...

I am holding her and gently stroking her silky hair. She wakes up and kisses me gently. "Good morning young lord." She giggles. I smile gently towards her. Twilight is a human woman. I kiss her forehead gently. She sits up and she snaps as we are both dressed. She is in my arms, as I am stroking her hair still. "Twilight..." I mutter. She then says "Yes, Encre?" "I feel so angry, but holding you makes me feel better." I say holding her tighter. I feel her smile gently. "Encre... You are so gentle and sweet. Why would anyone be so cruel..." She says and then I feel her tears. "Encre, stay here in this village for awhile." She asks me gently. "Alright, but where will I stay?" I ask. "You can stay with me, I will help you find a job." She says gently. I nod. "Alright, I will stay here." I say gently. She smiles at hearing me say that.

Two weeks later...

"INKED!!!" I hear before turning around. I see Twilight there. She runs into my arms sobbing. There is a group of hunters there running after her. My chest is showing, its ink and scars. They slow down and Paint is part of  them. I smirk. "Little brother how have you been?" I ask coldly. "Inked, please. They, they are going to kill us!" Twilight cries. Me and Twilight are best friends as we are always together out of work. I put up a magic barrier around the vampire hunters. "Encre is that really you?" I hear. "I thought you killed your brother?" I hear. "I did." I hear. I use my magic to pick my brother up and to then hide him above the barrier. "Good-bye." I state and then the barrier walls crush them all. I drop my brother and he is looking at me shocked. Twilight is in her gypsy clothes so she is barely wearing anything. I have only my bottom half covered. "So what are you going to do without your group little brother?" I ask. I use magic to take away his gun. "Twilight would you be a dear please?" I say gently. She smiles gently at me and my brother is frozen solid in place as he sits there as she approaches him. She kneels down beside him and is holding onto him. "Any last wishes before you die little brother?" I ask. "That I wish I knew about you more, and why you are so twisted." He answers. I smile and say "You will have plenty of time to learn." Twilight then bites and turns him. He is screaming and thrashing in return as I then pin him down. She finishes and he has tears in his eyes. "You sick bastard..." he growls. "Now... You can never go back. Only thing waiting fir you back their is Eterna's stake." I state calmly. Twilight and I both stand and make our way to the village. "Where are you going?" He asks panicked. "Back to the village. I can explain to my boss that I was dropping Twilight off. I can leave you with someone I trust if you want." I state calmly. He looks down and grimaces. "Like I have a choice, I will get eaten alive if I do not." He growls. "There you go, progress, now hurry up before I kill you myself." I tease him. He runs to catch up with us.

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