Chapter 25

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Two years later...

Twilight has just killed herself her sorrow too much, but I told her a promise if she was to kill herself.

A year ago (memory)...

"Twilight, for as long as my magic is here, you will remember our time together and our daughter in pleasant thoughts, I will always take care of you. Please just promise to love yourself." I whisper gently placing a seal on her soul before kissing her up her back. "Encre... Why... Why... She was still so little..." Twilight cries.

Present time...

I am standing with the jar of my mate's dust. I am standing at the coastline just staring off into the sea. "Leader... Are you alright?" I hear. I remain silent in mourning. Long moments go by as we both stand there. I then open the jar and use my magic to flow her dust out into the ocean. "Sir?" I hear.

"She loved the ocean, so I brought her to it, as her final place of rest. We did the same for our daughter, but my daughter told me she wanted to be a rose as well. So her dust gives life to the rose out in the garden surrounded by her mother's favourite flowers." I say gently closing the jar. Tears start to leak from my eyes as I turn around. "To lose your child and mate in such a short timeframe leader... It must be so hard." Red says looking at me. I smile a sad smile while nodding. "Leader... What keeps you going at this point?" He asks bitterly. "I am unsure at this point. I could end it all here and just disappear into the forest till I become a tree, as it is fate for all soulless. But Twilight would not me to do that, but it is my other fate that I stay." I say gently. Red's eyes widen. "How do you bare such a burden?" He asks. I hear movement and I know who is there. "I do not know anymore... Please take the urn back... I want to gaze out at the ocean just for a little bit longer." I ask kindly. He nods and says "Leader, as you said... Mourning will not bring them back... The people need your courage and your strength." I nod as they then leave me.

I wait a few moments before holding up a shiny coin. A tail soon wraps around it. "I have been polishing it for you." I say gently. "I know you are mourning but I brought him with me." Leocade says and I do not let my anger show. I feel so weak so I let more tears fall as I stare out at the ocean. "Leocade... Why today?" I ask. "Your wife will not mind you seeing him will she?" Leocade asks. I remain silent and the tension builds. "The dust... That was her." I say gently. The coin is being held up in front of me. "You need the shiny coin more than me." Leocade says. I smile at his generosity. "It is yours Leocade..." I say sadly. His tail wraps around my hand and he asks "She was lonely without her was she not?" I nod. "Nothing would make her smile, her sadness only got worse. I could not do anything." I say gently. "Fallacy... Not right now." Leocade says as I fall to my knees.

Leocade is watching me as he just sits beside me. "Watching the person you love, fall into such sadness and you can do nothing, with them not even being able to help themselves... It is hard to watch. I have watched you fall like that so many times Encre." Fallacy says. I take a deep breath and stand. My tears dry as I look up at the sky. 'Thy lord... Give me the strength to carry on... I am surrounded by darkness... Please give me refuge.' I beg the heavens. Leocade is staring at me confused. I open my eyes and blue and purple small flowers flow in front of my eyes. 'He is behind you.' I hear. I turn to see Error. My first Fallacy is there, he then disappears through a portal with a smile. 'I can do this.' I think. Leocade saw him as well. I then remove my cloak and set half of it in the water. I then use magic and an arrow that was used to try and assassinate me appears. I cut my hand and cover the arrow with my blood.  "Encre." I hear Fallacy say confused. "I am now dead... Killed by a hunter at my weakest." I say gently dropping my blood on the collar of the neckline on my cape. Leocade looks shocked but takes the cloak with him as well. Fallacy takes a step towards me before taking my hand in his. "Encre..." he says. "Let us leave the area..." I say losing my masculinity and becoming smaller and more feminine. I pull him along and I run at his pace.

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