Chapter 12

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I was given a black cloak and my gun and hunting knife back. I have made myself a little camp and it has been hours since I left the rogue village. I am making a bow and wooden arrows currently. I hear a gun cock and then is placed against my head. "Why not sit down, instead of putting a gun to my head." I say calmly. I lower my hood and take the gun easily. I see a trainee there. "You are the hunter, but you have been missing for almost a month." They say kneeling beside me. I use magic and bring a log closer to him. He takes the hint and sits on it. "Explains why no one is looking for me. My guess is you were with the trainees earlier." I state finishing up my bow. "How did you know?" They ask. "I watched as Eterna and them marched you all off to your deaths." I state calmly. "They what?" They say with a look of terror on their face. "Happened to me too, except I was twelve. You shall get used to them betraying you and using you as bait soon enough." I state calmly. The trainee looks sad, betrayed and hurt. "Reason why I do not trust them. How often do you see me working with anyone trained by them?" I ask. They look surprised but nod. "Rumours are that you live with people of the forest, or maybe even the rogues or vampires themselves." They say. I nod. "There are reasons for those... But they are forbidden to be talked about." I state gently. "Why do you up hold to the rules if you do not trust them?" They ask. "Hmm, that is an interesting question. I do not. I have a completely different set applied to me. Like I cannot be anywhere near the camp or villages during the mid-points between the blood moons."  I answer. "Why is that?" They ask. "I am what is known as a cursed, a mortal that has vampire or rogue blood in it. We are not even considered people, just things or its, most of us are killed off right away. But... Eterna was my care giver when I was younger so she made it known to only higher ups. So I was trained to go through what the others go through at a different time. *sigh* Trust me... It is a curse to live this way." I say calmly. The trainee has his gun raised to me and is shaking. "Go ahead, you will be putting down one of the only people who can hunt Rogues without crapping their pants." I state calmly. He lowers his gun slowly. "Just sit down, have something to eat at least." I say calmly.

Time skip...

It is morning as I wake up hearing complete silence. I sit up stealthily and the trainee is waking up to. He goes to say something and I place a finger to my lips. I then hear a branch snap and I grab my bow and arrows. I hear another snap behind me. The trainee looks terrified. 'Who goes there?' I ask in my mind. 'It is the runt.' I hear suddenly. "Stay close. They will not be afraid to pick you off." I whisper. He nods and grabs his gun. 'Runt where are you?' I hear. 'I have a trainee near me. Do not come near.' I think. 'Oh, I see. They are trigger happy.' I hear extremely loudly. I hear a sharp breath. I turn to see the trainee starring at something. "Keep looking them in the eyes, forget you feel fear." I whisper. I then surround him in magic and make him disappear. I teleport him to camp. "Alright. The trainee is gone." I say out loud disarming my bow. The eyes come closer and then I see a huge group of them. "The hunter is a cursed? That is amusing." A rouge says. "I kill what ever is in my way. So do not think you are safe." I state coldly. "Oh, he thinks he is so tough." A rogue says leaning over me. "Back off of the runt. Leader will have your head. He is from his bloodline." Another says. "Your bloodline is filth. Mostly mortal. What are you an eighth rogue?" Another chuckles. "I am a fourth." I answer honestly.  There are a few snickers. "Show us your wings and fangs." They state. "I cannot." I state. They look at me strangely. "I cut my wings off when I was ten and ripped my teeth out right afterwards to prove I could be useful." I state blankly while standing. They look shocked at that. "And to answer your question, I was desperate to live." I state as I prepare to take off. "Why would anyone want to live?" Someone laughs. "I had made a promise to someone, now I am trying to find them again." I state calmly. "Who in god's name  would that be?" A female asks. "My mate, I have been searching to find them." I state calmly as I throw my bow onto my back. "There are thousands of us." Another says. "Well, all I know is that they are a vampire and one of higher power. A witch and a tramp keep telling me their name is Fallacy and my mate is a male. So... I have to track his highness down and ask a ton of questions." I state. "The vampire king?" Quite a few of them ask. I nod and say "I hope he can at least help me find them."

Time skip...

I have made my way back to the hunter camp. I see the guards and I pull down my hood. They move to the side as I enter. I look a bit different from before due to the numb pains I still feel. I walk into the camp and see my fellow higher ups. "Encre, you made it back." Eterna says with a smile on her face. I look towards her and nod. "A tree broke my fall, when they threw me to my death." I answer. I hear running and then I have a smaller skeleton holding onto me. I wrap my arms around them and hold them. "Bastard..." they say. I smirk knowing exactly who it is. "You missed me, Paint." I state gently. He goes to let go and get away, but I wrap an arm around his neck.

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