10 ; "so fight for her the way she fought herself for you."

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Yoongi wasn't back yet and because Irene and Kihyun were stupid enough to get groceries while leaving me at home, I went ahead and walked to the nearest beach.

I never liked getting sand in between my toes nor did I like the cold breeze but after spending time with the coldest thing on earth, I gotten a bit used to it. Too used to it to the point I missed the cold.

So here I was.

Sinking my feet into wet sand as the sun set in the distance. I thought about the things I wanted and the things I needed. I couldn't do this in the confinement of the home Yoongi has set for us both— me really when he isn't home half the time.

"You shouldn't be out here all alone, Jennie."

I whipped my head around to see a vaguely familiar face. A handsome one at that. I smiled softly and kicked at the sand when he joined me at my side.

"Needed a little breath of fresh air is all."

"Is Yoongi not enough?" He teased making me snicker under my breath.

"Not exactly." I looked up to meet his golden eyes and creased my eyebrows. "What are you doing here, Seokjin?"

"I was in the area and wanted to pay you a little visit." He chuckled and sat down on a dry area insisting I sit beside him. Hesitant, I did it anyway more scared of him than my want to walk away. "You know, the two are frantic looking for you. Thought you ran away for good."

I didn't even think about it much. I did have the chance to run away yet I'd rather have time to myself nearby, than run away back to my own home. Honestly, I didn't know what I considered home anymore.

I feel like I've fallen so infatuated with Yoongi that I can't leave. As much as I want too, I want him to be with me. And I don't I'll even be able to be okay with leaving without his permission. It's not good that I feel I need too, but the chains he's holding me with right now aren't going to break soon. Because I didn't make them— how will I know how to break out?

"Where is he?"

"Home. Waiting for you." He chuckled. "He seems to think you'll come back willingly."

I pursed my lips together. "He shouldn't."

"But he does." Seokjin added. "And there must be a reason for that."

"Will you help me if I choose to leave?" I looked to him, my whole body turning in pure seriousness. His eyes flashed with a red tint forcing me to feel anxious inside but I stayed still in front of him. Not wanting him to think I was wavering. "If I were to ask you to help me go home. What I thought was my home before, would you help me? Or would you force me to stay here like him."

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