Theo Raeken- Beacon Hills Mystery

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In Beacon Hills mysteries came with people. Each person walking in the hollow halls has one, some have many, but you, you only had the one. You were a wolf.

A natural born werewolf with nobody left but your cousin Derek. When Scott transformed into a wolf, he latched onto you instantly, hoping to learn things from you rather than Derek.
So, that's why you and Scott are so close now a days. You know most of his mysteries and he knows a few of yours. You guys had been the best of friends, as close as you could possibly be.
When Theo Raeken came into town that's when everything changed. You had a whole new perspective on life, and not only that, you had a massive crush on the bad boy.

Theo almost knew you had a crush on him. He used it to get near you every second on the day. He would come near your locker, not for any reason, just because you were there. He would try and walk you home consistently, just to make sure you got home safe. He even walked with you when he got his truck, it didn't matter that he could drive, he just always wanted you safe.
When Scott had found this out, it was almost like Theo attacked everything Scott held dear. Scott had a massive change of character, he would always stand by your locker, just to make sure Theo wasn't there.

Scott even got to the point that he would try and get you to stay at school late so he could watch you.But today, today you weren't having it. "Please, Y/N just stay here after school. I need help with Chemistry."

"Scott, this is the 5th time you've had me help you today. I can't keep explaining the same topic endlessly."Scott sighed loudly and leaned against your locker, his head hitting the metal slightly. "I think you will be good on your test, Scott."

He jumped off the locker, almost trying to find a comment in the back of his head. "How about you just quiz me?"

"Scott, I literally quizzed you last hour. You got all of them correct. As expected from someone who has reviewed 5 times!" You closed your locker door, turning to look at your best friend.
His eyes widened, trying to beg you to help him. "Scott, can I ask you something?"

A little nod came from the adamant alpha, "is this about Theo?"

"... no" you sighed and started to walk to your class, "Scott, I usually don't tell you to let me have space. But, I can handle myself."

Scott almost denied the fact that you were a wolf. He didn't like the fact of one of his betas hanging out with someone who isn't in his pack. He had double the stroke when it turned out to be an enemy of the pack.

"I know. I just don't want you to get hurt. He is dangerous, Y/N." you sighed, starting to get annoyed. "You sound like Stiles."
You tossed your bag over your shoulder, "I will not hear more of this Scott. I have homework to do."

Scott was about to speak but you turned on your heel, walking towards the door. You pushed the door open, making your way towards the forest, hoping to soon be home.
"Alone again?"

You stopped in your tracks, turning to see the supposed villain Theo. "Hey Theo." You stated calmly as you walked further into the woods, "according to Scott you are dangerous? Have any idea why I should be concerned?"

Theo was walking next to you, he was as confused as you were. "I think I'm plenty dangerous."
"We are all dangerous, don't act like you are special, Raeken."

You kept walking, waiting for some sort of response, but there was nothing. You turned to see Scott holding Theo against a tree. His nails sticking deep into Theo's neck, but not enough to kill him.
"Scott, let him down." You ran over to the two, Theo's eyes were shining hold while Scott's slowly turned red. You felt a deep anger in you burning, your eyes flashed to the familiar blue shade, "put him down now."

Scott looked up at you, his facial expression trying to show that he was right, but you focused on his eyes, they were forgiving and pained.You put your hand on Scott's arm that held a choking Theo up. "Let go."

It was almost like your touch sent a buzz through Scott's arm. He dropped Theo in that moment, he turned away, expecting you to come over and comfort him.
But you did the unexpected and walked over to Theo. You knelt at his side, blood started to drip out of the claw marks on his throat. He looked up at you with yellow eyes, you put your hand on the side of his face.

"See. I'm dangerous too."

Theo had been so intrigued by the fact that you were untouchable. To him it was an instant attraction, he wanted the challenge of earning your emotions. He wanted you to be his, and he knew you would, maybe not now, but soon.

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