Scott McCall - Bloody Teeth p2

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Being immortal had it's perks, the pack never truly had to worry about you being okay. You would always be good, always hop back up from a fight. Since you joined the pack, most of the pack had been scared of you, especially Stiles. They were hesitant of you, sitting away from you, avoiding conversations, to them, you didn't exist. The one time you were accepted was when you saved Lydia's life, you took a blow for her and respect was slowly earned.

Scott was the only one who truly trusted you, both of you knew it, but he was so sweet about trying to take care of you. He always made sure you were okay, always fed, never hungry or he knows what would happen. Malia was quick to accept you because she knew what it was like to be an outsider, she was the one to keep you sane, studying together or just hanging out.

You didn't know it, but Scott was developing feelings for you, they were slow but gradually growing. He first told Stiles, but he shut that down quickly. "You have got to be kidding me. She lives off blood, Scott!"

"And you live off of pizza, your point is?" Stiles rolled his eyes and threw his hands up, "I live off of flour and sauce, SHE LIVES OFF OF SOMETHING THAT IS ESSENTIAL TO SURVIVAL."

Scott rolled his eyes, pacing in his room, "I hoped you would support me, Stiles."

"I want to support you man, but this is a person who lives off of blood. She could kill you." Scott noticed that Stiles did have a point, but he couldn't deny his feelings. "She hasn't killed me yet."

Stiles sat down on Scott's bed, running his hands through his thick brown hair, "Are you sure this isn't just rebound feelings from Kira?"
Scott stopped pacing, staring at his friend with anger, "it's been 4 months since Kira left, and I met Y/N 2 months ago. It's not rebound feelings."

"It could be, you could just miss out on the relationship business." Scott's eyes flashed a bright red, his anger taking form in his wolf. Stiles sat back slightly, fear evident on his face, "you just don't like her Stiles! She could've killed you back in that forest, but she didn"t! She could've killed me, but she didn't."

Stiles filled with realization, she has had endless chances to kill everyone in the pack, but she never did, she has never tried to hurt anyone. "Do it man."
Scott's eyes changed back to normal as he was reassured by his best friend. "I'm gonna do it tonight." Stiles stood up, patting his best friend on the back, he turned to walk out of his room, "it'll be great."

You were helping Lydia, trying to find any evidence of the hunters, where they were, anything. You came specifically because Lydia and you were close, but you also wanted to put an end to those hunting your friends. "Why do you think they are going after the pack?"

"I don't think they are going after the pack alone, they are going after any supernatural being. Meaning they could be after you too." It wouldn't be the first time someone tried hunting you, it wouldn't also be the first time they failed. Lydia walked away as you stood in silence, she looked back at you, waiting for you, "sorry, in my own world."

Lydia turned back, "it is getting late, maybe you should try and go home, get some sleep, I can get on by myself from here."

You nodded, walking away as you turned to look at Lydia, she was walking on, going deeper into the abandoned building. You walked out of the building, climbing into the side of your car, you sat your head back, the consistent search for the hunters had you exhausted.

"Get out of the car." You turned your head to the left, there were a group of people with guns, but you picked out the single lady in the middle. She had no gun but instead had dark black curls and a smirk on her face, "Hello, Y/N."

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