Bellamy Blake - Happier

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Bellamy POV

It has only been a month since we were apart, but I could still feel the pain. I could still hear the crack in her voice the day she told me we were done, the day that ended everything important to me. The day she became happier and I became desolate and heartbroken. Since those days, I have always spent my time in the bar, downing drink after drink, trying to numb the pain or even delete the memories.

Only a month we've been apart. You look happier.

Y/N was happy and that's all I could ever want for her. The new happiness manifested in another man, a whole new person that wasn't me. Y/N walked into the same bar, considering there was only one.

Saw you walk inside a bar, he said something to make you laugh.

She was so different, she smiled, she laughed with him, she didn't have to put on a cover. She was as perfect as I remember, her faithful eyes, her bouncy walk that seemed to be full of life and her soft hair that feel around her face.

I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as our. Yeah, you look happier, you do.
Her eyes wandered to mine, saw me sitting in the corner of the bar. I quickly averted my gaze, taking a drink of the alcohol I had to my side. The end of the world was coming anyway, why should I care if she is happy with someone else.

Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you. But ain't nobody love you like I do. Promise that I will not take it personal, baby if you're moving on with someone new.


Her voice rang in my ears, I only imagined it was one of the many daydreams I have. The daydreams where she comes over and says she loves me, the ones where my baby comes back to me.

My friends told me one day i'll feel it too and until then I'll smile to hide the truth.

"Bell, will you please look at me?" My eyes traveled to meet hers, she put on a slight smile, trying to comfort me.

But I know I was happier with you.

I put on a smile, soon acting like her presence hasn't affected me, but it was easy to see through the mask I was sporting. She looked beautiful, everything about death seemed to just make her a vibrant color in a room full of grays. "You look great, Y/N."

Everything's reminding me of you.

"And you are drunk." She was right, my vision was blurry and everything seemed to become more depressing as the night went on. My eyes started to water, but I quickly smeared the tears away, not wanting to show weakness.

I felt an arm under mine, someone soon picking up my frail drunken body and carrying me out. I was sat down on a bed, feeling the liquor making me dizzy, I looked up to who helped me, it was Y/N.

But ain't nobody need you like I do, I know that there's others that deserve you. But my darling, I am still in love with you.

"No matter what you seem to do Bellamy Blake, I can't seem to move on..." She whispered lightly, her eyes watering as she got up to leave, I grabbed ahold of her hand quickly. Y/N stopped to face me, her eyes stained red, she waited for me to speak..

I knew one day you'd fall for someone new, but if he breaks your heart like lovers do.

"I'll wait for you. I love you." With those words she smiled and removed her hand from mine, only turning to face the door.

"Know that i'll be waiting here for you." She walked out of the door, a piercing like consuming her as she closed the door behind her

My eyes closed and felt like they only closed for a lifetime, but the next second I was opening them to see someone in my room. I looked up to see Raven, she had set breakfast on the desk, looking back to see I was now awake. "Hey, good morning."

"where's y/n?"

Raven looked out the window, I soon realized where we were. The ark. Stuck floating in the sky. "Bellamy, she is dead.. Has been for 4 years now..."

just know that i'll be waiting here for you.

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