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    You didn't know about the rumors until the brunette boy you knew as Pope stood over you and his facial expression turned negative. He was angry and he clearly couldn't help but let it show, he was good with his emotions unless someone hurt those he had loved, then he let them all go and he didn't care who was in his way. " Come on. You have to be kidding me! You know he is completely fragile and you chose to cheat on him with the one person that literally almost killed him! You're better than this!"

    You looked up and shook your head when you saw JJ, he was walking towards you with some sort of anger spread over his lips. He looked like he was ready to commit a murder in all honesetly, you didn't know what to say to him or even what to do to make him believe you. He reached you rather fast when his eyes traced over your face, he was completely broken up about this fact and now it would cause him to resort to nothing more than a deep anger at the bottom of his bones.

    He had a look of sadness that sat over his face, it all tied to some fake rumor started at a party, something stupid that you didn't know about. JJ was hurt and you couldn't be the one to fix it, you couldn't even help it, you did this, that's what you figured, you did this. " you know. I have very rarely trusted people with my emotions, I don't open up.. I defend those who can't defend themselves, I give way to many chances and - I know everyone has some sort of expectation about me, and you- you know, you have always been the one person that made me feel like- I didn't have to impress you, but of course, you're just like everyone else."

    Just like everyone else. You are just like everyone else. A moment passed when you blinked and he was gone, he walked away and didn't even give you a second to reply. That was the end of your relationship in that moment, you had lost the one thing you wanted to have, you lost JJ, the love of your life. YOu had to do something in that moment and you would do what you could, you took a second and started to walk towards Rafe's house. He lived on the high end side and you didn't care if his family would see a poor person like you standing in his yard, he had to own up to what he did.

    Sarah waved to you and kept walking down to the dock when her brother finally came outside, you took a deep breath when you walked closer to him and grabbed him by the shirt, pushing him down. He hit the ground and you stood over him, your eyes clouded with tears when he had been staring up once more, " don't you even know what in the hell you did, daddy;s money isn't going to fix this one you messy son of a bitch! You ruined the one good thing I had going for me just so you can make me seem like one of your many one night stands, I'll have you know one thing you rich weasel!"

    You stopped when you soothed the anger in your bones, you were able to control that feeling but you said what he needed to hear. He needed to hear this, " you really think any of those girls wanted to sleep with you? They slept with you so they could feel something, girls sleep with who they want, guys sleep with anyone they possibly could. Learn your place rich boy before you end up at the bottom of a pond where you deserve."

    Rafe stared up at you and that moment you knew you messed up,  he had been angry and stood up to grab your hair. THe man pulled you down to the ground when he climbed on top of you and straddled your hips, he wasn't gonna let you get up when he started to beat you. He used his fists, hitting you until he could feel the pain in his knuckles, once he had hit you enough to cause a black eye and a busted lip, he got up and kicked you in the stomach. You screamed in pain until you got the attention of Sarah, the one princess who was willing to take care of everyone else.

    She rushed at her brother and pushed him off, you rolled over and coughed up blood, it stained the bright brown deck and she shook her head. " rafe! You delusional idiot, what in the hell did you do!" Rafe rolled over and laughed when he was able to sit up and stare at you, " funny thing about men, Y/N, girls cant fight who they want, but men can, it's what happens when you are strong. Isn't that funny.."

    The man got up and laughed when he had started to walk away, he didn't care about any of what had been said, he didn't bother to take care of you, he left you bleeding with his little sister, staring into your eyes with a sorrowful expression. You curled into a little ball, hugging your knees to your chest when she rubbed your back " I know it hurts, I know.. I need you to look at me, I can't help unless you let me.."

    You left the girl help, she put a butterfly bandage on your lip and the small slit in your eyebrow, causing the pain to seep into your skin rather than on the outside. You went home after then, placing an icepack on your stomach and laid down on your bed. The pain was coming and going in waves, any little breath you took seemed to awaken that feeling inside of you, but you would then let it die out to stop breathing for another minute.

    JJ sat on the boat when Sarah showed up, she sat down on the lap of her boyfriend, running her fingers through his hair and she had her own tea to spread. " so.. You won't believe what happened, Y/N showed up to talk about the rumor that Rafe spread, you know that he slept with a bunch of girls but - anyways.."

    He had instantly paid attention to what she was saying, John B nodded while this conversation was only supposed to be between the two of them, he couldn't help but listen. " oh.. Yah, uh, maybe we should avoid that subject, JJ and her just broke up.." JJ shook his head when he heard that you had gone over there, he sat down in front of Sarah and nodded weakly, he needed to know what happened, " what happened. I don't care if we just broke up, I need to know what- what happened. Please."

    " JJ.. it's been one long rumor, she never slept with him, she was with me that night, all night, she ended up in the toilet most of the time, her and vodka don't mix.. But she came over and confronted Rafe, and it got - got to the point where he laid his hands on her.. I wasn't able to stop it - at least not before I heard her scream for help." He felt his heart ache and the guilt instantly swept over him, he licked his lips while rubbing his jaw and got to his feet. The man rushed to the house where Rafe lived, he had his gun in hand and prepared to kill him if need be, he wanted to hurt him, kill him.

    He beat the living hell out of Rafe until his knuckles were a deep red and scabbed over with blood along with bruises because of what he did. Rafe had a new enemy and most of all JJ had to win you back and your trust, he betrayed you and trusted the words of a liar over you. He was sore and his white shirt covered in blood, a new bruise on the lower region of his jaw but it was nothing compared to what happened to Rafe.

    JJ knocked on the door weakly, having soon been pulled open by you. You Had been in a large shirt, an ice pack on your stomach when you could only see out of one eye, he couldn't bare to look at you, he wasn't there to defend you. He had done nothing to help you, " baby.. I heard about what happened and- I am so sorry.. I should have known better. You wouldn't do that to me, i- I had been angry and didn't mean any of those words I said. "

    " why - why are you covered in blood.." He moved forwards and just held your hips when he hugged you, he made sure not to squeeze you too hard, refusing to let go of you. He buried his head into your neck when he kissed it softly, letting his lips grace over your skin like they had many times. " I had a few words with Rafe before I showed up here.. He won't be talking bad about you ever again.. This is all his blood.. Please forgive me.. I love you.."

    You smiled once more and wrapped your arms around his, letting the ice pack fall out of your hands when you felt the pain seep through but ignored it when he was around, this was her person, he always has been. " i love you too.. Don't you ever do that to me again, i got my ass kicked for you, now.. Now why don't you come inside.. We can watch a movie.. I could use a movie session with my boyfriend.."

    " boyfriend.. It's good to hear those words come out of your mouth again.. I am sorry.. Let me bandage you up again, I can help you, and maybe teach you to take care of yourself rather than letting Sarah do so.. A butterfly bandage , really? He snickered weakly and you loved that laugh, the little giggle that made your heart race so terribly fast.

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