Peter Parker - Embarrassing Movies

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"Come on, you know you want to have this happen, you've liked this girl forever, all I did was the next step." Ned spoke to his best friend, Peter. Peter started to panic, thinking about what his friend Ned had just told him, "why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

Ned shrugged, Peter shook his head, laying his head on the table, putting his arms around his head, panicking at first. "When is it?"
"Tonight." Peter turned to him, panic widespread on his face, "Ned! I have the Stark internship tonight!"

"Nope, no you don't. Aunt May called Stark herself, you don't have anything."

Peter then saw you walk into the lunchroom, when you looked at him, you smiled and made your way over to him.You sat down across the table, looking as Peter laid his head in his hands, something was on his mind. "Peter, I got your text. I'll be there tonight"

You reached out and touched his arm, causing him to spring right back up, you let out a tiny laugh, but Peter stared at your hair on his arm. "I-I can't wait-t either." Peter had a red blush set over his cheeks, you walked around the table, kissing his cheek lightly as you walked away.

"You hacked my phone?" Peter turned to his friend, Ned, who was only smirking and shrugged. Peter pulled out his phone, looking at the message that was sent to Y/N last night.
"hey Y/N, movie night at my place, just me and you?"

Peter put his phone on the table, he was happy to have Ned do this but he was so upset that he didn't do it himself. "Just go and enjoy it, watch a movie other than Star Wars."

Later that night, you had to decide what to wear, you knew this was a date, at least it was familiar to that sort of thing. You looked at yourself in the mirror, you were happy with the outfit you wore, a shirt that was your favorite color and a tight pair of jeans, you didn't want to dress up too much, it's just a movie date.

You walked to Peter's apartment, knocking on the door lightly, Peter pulled it open, he wore a red button up flannel and a pair of tan khakis, you smiled at him, he smiled back, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You, uh, look beautiful." He welcomed you into the apartment, you walked in behind him. His house was so cute, it was a wooden floored apartment, there was a large table on the side ,, with 4 chairs pulled in neatly. The couches and chairs were all leather, scrunched into a living room. "Your house is beautiful."

"Thanks, May does all the decorating, I only have control over my room." Peter walked you to the kitchen where there was a spread of to go boxes from chinese food, you smiled happily and almost giggled when you saw the boxes. "Chinese?"

"The food of our generation. All i'm missing is nutella." You laughed at his comment, he handed you a plate, you took it happily and started to pile chinese food on your plate, Peter was doing the same, he then handed you a fork.

"Thank you." He pulled out the chair for you, you sat down, "such a gentleman."

Peter and you started to eat, he was trying to tell you jokes, he was talking about everything he loved, he adored that Stark internship, he loved everything about it, even all the late night hours and the lack of healthy meal intake.

"The Stark internship, how is it going for you?"

It was almost like you flipped a switch in Peter, he started to instantly talk about how Tony Stark was such a father figure to him, you saw him light up when he started to talk about something he loved.

"Y/N.." You snapped back into reality, seeing Peter in front of you, "hey you zoned out." In that moment, you realized you had zoned out while staring at Peter. "Oh.. I'm sorry."

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