Peter Parker - Save me

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You had been caught in a position where you couldn't move, as it turns out an after school trip to Delmar's wasn't the best idea today. You stood in the back of the store, grabbing ahold of a sweet tea, Delmare talking to some of the customers that would walk in, "Y/N, this young gentleman just paid for your tea!"

Delmar's voice rang through the store, but when you walked to thank the man, you saw him holding a gun to Delmar. You dropped your tea, hearing the can bounce up and down, but then explode onto the floor, "on the ground now!"

Delmar didn't move, but you did as the man said, dropping to your knees, putting your hands behind your back. You had to find help, thinking of ways to get a signal out or even call out for help, you thought through your options, screaming wasn't one.

The man had a comrade walk in, you couldn't see their faces, they were hidden behind masks, muffling their voices and preventing you from seeing their faces. "Open the register. Now!"

The man moved the gun up to Delmar's head, he didn't react, keeping a smug look on his face, but the partner thought quickly. He huffed and walked towards you, putting the gun to your head, Delmar's facial expression changed almost quickly. He looked towards the register, you shook your head lightly, but soon he unlocked it, letting the man take the cash inside.

There were only 3 other people in the room, a woman with a small child around her hip, she hid him behind her, hoping she could protect him from the two armed shooters. The other was a young girl in the back, you recognized her from the school, she had only been a freshman, you pulled out your phone silently, setting it inbetween your legs, having to impossibly twist your neck to see.

You put your finger on the home button, but taking it off quickly, allowing it to go to the passcode screen, you clicked emergency. A white screen popping up quickly, you dialed 911, putting the phone back into your pocket, you may not hear them, but they would sure hear you.

"Excuse me sir. Don't you think it's kind've rude to rob someone of their livelihood." One of the men, specifically the one in white turned to look at you, anger spread as he continued stuffing his bag. "I'm talking to you."

The man finally turned to you, dropping his bag and walking to you, but his comrade grabbed him by the shoulder, "we aren't hurting anyone."

He shook his hand off of his shoulder, "I won't hurt her."

You gestured towards the door, the woman and child close enough to get out. She understood, "you're hurting someone as you rob Delmar's gas station. This is all he has."

The one in blue turned to you, Delmar shook his head, knowing what you were trying to do,it was obvious, your phone was glowing in the back of your pocket."Keep your mouth shut little girl."

He put his foot on your chest, looking you in the eyes he had green eyes, "did you know only 2% of people in the world have green eyes, even if you do make it out, it won't be hard to find you."
He pulled his foot back, pushing force into the kick, it hit you hard in the chest, knocking the air out of you, you hit the ground, the stinging now erupting out of you. "What's that?"

They both walked over to your phone, in which you realized it flew out of your pocket, and was now near the freezer. Police sirens echoed in the distance, you smiled as you watched the mother and teenager run out.

You sat up, seeing that the man in white had your phone in his hand, his mask off his face. He wasn't to bad looking, but he had a large scar on the bottom of his jaw spreading to under his eye. "What have you done?"

He walked over to you, grabbing you by your arm, dragging you, he threw you against the freezer. Your vision now blurry due to the hit you took on your head, "I'm going to kill you."

His face was inches from yours, he held up a fist, pulling his body back and putting all that he had into that one blow. You fell to the ground, your vision beyond blurry, pain surging through you. "We have to get out of here. The police are gonna be here any minute."

"Surely you aren't gonna leave your own crime scene!" You recognized that voice, Peter, your boyfriend, aka, Spiderman.

Your eye was to swelled up to see anything, but you knew he would get you out in a few minutes. After a series of grunts and movements, you felt your body being picked up, "Spiderman?"

"Yah, it's me.."

"Are we leaving?" You felt your body being sat down, some of your vision returning but it was mostly black and bubbly, "Not yet, I gotta leave a note for the police."

You couldn't help but smile at how cute he is sometimes, after 3 more minutes you were picked up once again, now moving to a different area, you didn't know where but you knew you were safe.

"Hey, baby, wake up." You sat up quickly, Peter was sitting down at your side, wearing a pair of sweatpants but no shirt. The right side of your face stung, hurting to even move it, "He punched you hard..."

Peter looked down in shame, feeling bad for not being able to protect you, you put your hand under his chin, causing him to look up at you.

"I love you." Peter smiled, pulling a first aid kit from the dresser, you had used it many times to seal up or nurse him back to health. He pulled out a cotton ball, soaking one half of it in peroxide, he looked at you before putting it on your head, "This is gonna sting."

He tapped the cotton ball on your eyebrow, moving all around your eye, he made sure to do it carefully, trying to make sure you are okay. "You look beautiful.."

He kissed your forehead, you could still tell that there was pain in his face, he always wanted to make sure you were okay, never to get hurt. He set down the cotton ball, having to pick up another one, you didn't realize that there was that much blood, but Peter took care of it like he was a certified nurse.

After he cleaned the wound on your head, he pulled out a large piece of gauze, using surgical tape to stick it over your eye. You could now only see out of one eye, Peter couldn't help but laugh at how you looked. "You look like a sexy pirate."

He pulled you into him, laying a kiss on your forehead, you smiled happily and spoke to him, "thanks for taking care of me baby. But next time, let's not have it be me."

"Next time, neither of us should get hurt. I'm going to keep you safe"

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