Liam Dunbar - Yellow Eyes

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When you are a mystery it leaves a lot to wonder why, why am I a mystery, why do I have to be a mystery. You had that constant thought, why would my mother want to keep me hidden from all of the world, but you stopped wondering shortly after you found out who your father was. You were the daughter of the infamous Derek Hale, the lone wolf once turned alpha and then lone wolf once more, you hadn't thought much about who he was, you didn't care.

After Derek went missing from Beacon Hills, your mother decided it would be a good idea for you to go and get some actual socializing. That's why you were here, your first real day of high school, you had been homeschooled up to this moment. You sat in the passenger side of your mother's car, staring out of the window as she tried to comfort you, "don't worry, everything will be alright."

Your mother had a sweet smile on her face, the kind that would be willing to make any depressed or scared teen comfortable. You opened the door, turning to face your mother with a happy smile, but under all of it you were completely nervous. She drove off as you turned to face the school, people hurried in, hoping to get inside before the bell rings.

The bell rang lightly, so you followed behind a group of people, hoping they would somehow notice you were new and perhaps help you to the office. The final bell rang and everyone filled into their classes, causes a mass chaos as you stood in the middle of it. People were hitting you left and right, causing you to topple over and land on your knees, when you looked up it was almost like magic, everyone was gone.

"What the hell..?" You climbed to your feet, standing in the tiled floor hall with walls lined with blue lockers, you sighed loudly and started to walk towards the door you came from. A silent ran over the halls until you heard a door open and a terrible sound of shoes screeching on the floor, you turned to see a boy running right for you.

He wasn't looking and you couldn't move out of the way fast enough, he crashed into you, causing you to hit the floor, slamming your head on the ground. You let out a groan, reaching for the back of your head as the boy continued to lay on top of you. He looked up at you, he had cerulean blue eyes that stared at you with concern, the boy climbed off of you quickly.

"I-I'm sorry." You felt the back of your head, expecting there to be blood, but there was nothing, not even a drop, just a severe headache. "Oh you are bleeding."
You were confused as to what the boy meant, but you looked down at the floor, there was a blood smudge exactly where you landed. Another hustled sound came from the same door, you turned to see two considerably larger boys chasing after the blue eyed one.

One of them had a crooked jaw and puppy dog brown eyes, the other had spiked brown hair and light eyes, "Liam, what the hell!"
The one with brown eyes kept his glare on you, you were confused as to why, he only cocked his head, almost as if he was sniffing the air. "Stilinski! Mccall! Dunbar!"

A teacher with crazy hair came running after the boys, you stood in blank stare, confused as to what was happening. The boys were quick to try and run but they pushed Liam down, running past him as he hit the ground. The teacher caught up, bending down to put his hands on his knees, taking a deep breath, "Coach, I can expl-"
"Not a word Dunbar." He stated while glaring at the young boy, the man known as coach looked up at you, curious as to why you were just standing in the hallway. "Why are you in the hallway, first period just began!"

You jumped at his loud voice, getting a little frightened of the teacher or coach, "I am new here, sir-r."
"Oh, that's perfect, Dunbar, show her around and I'll shrink your punishment." Liam sighed from the floor, still laying on the germ infested ground, he held his mouth open almost in shock, you quickly made a comment, "close your mouth, you might catch flies."

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