Theo Raeken - Get the girl

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It was a stormy night, Theo sat inside the bar, he wasn't allowed to drink, but he would still come to just get solitude. He needed it, after all of the time he had been away from his rock, you were his everything, you kept him sane, kept him alive. He always thought about you, drowning his thoughts out, but they would always come back, always about your beautiful smile or the way you would comfort him.

"Just go get her." Theo looked up at the bartender who was cleaning the bar top, he stopped and set the rag down, walking to Theo, "You come here every night. Thinking about this girl. Every Night for the past few months, go get your girl. Tell her what you feel, if you don't it'll just haunt you."

Theo looked at the bar, it was empty, time for closing, "it's 3 am, she won't be awake." He shrugged, "does she live alone?"

"Yah" The bartender walked around the counter, pushing Theo to his feet, "Go get her."
Theo felt an instant spark of confidence as he was pushed outside of the bar, he looked to his car, it would've been a whole lot faster to drive but in the spur of the moment he ran to your house. When Theo got there, he was soaking red, his heart racing through his chest as he stood in front of your house, he reassured himself once more before walking up to the house.

"Now or never, You got this Theo, just pull out your heart. Nope, not pull out,." Theo rubbed his eyes and shook his head, knocking on the door, he shook everything out, looking like an awkward dog as he shook.

The door slowly opened, revealing a tired you, you rubbed your eyes and yawned, wrapping your robe around yourself tighter, "Theo, are you insane? It's 3am."

Theo's heart raced through his chest at the sight of you, you looked the same as you did awhile ago. The soft eyes that pulled him in, the messy hair that he loved to run his fingers through, the stuffy nose that always came around this season, you were perfect, even at 3 am. "It's been a long time, Theo."

"I- I uh," Theo started to talk but he cut himself off, he was way to afraid to tell you how he felt, all he could do was stare at you, you ran your fingers through your hair, watching as Theo stood in the rain, soaked.

"Theo, if you have nothing to say, I'm going back to bed." You reached for the door, preparing to close it, but Theo put his hand on it, causing the door to remain open. "I want you for worse or for better."

You opened the door once more, deciding to listen to what the boy has to say, "I would wait forever and ever, broke your heart, but i'll put it back together."

Theo meant every word that he said, his eyes dripping with tears, shivering in the rain, memories of what you once were flashed through your mind, Theo started to talk once more, "remember when we went trick or treated and found little ghostbusters like us?"

You smiled, tears in your eyes, but the break up came up next, the constant yelling and screaming, how he hurt you so much. "I would never hurt you again."

Theo moved forwards, moving a strand of hair out of your face, you grabbed his hand quickly, he moved closer, standing inches from you. "I went insane without you.." You looked him in the eyes, turning around and pulling him outside with you, a deep shiver started up your spine, but you didn't care.

"I want you." You whispered into Theo's ear. Pulling him into you, his lips landed on yours, you kissed him back happily. You wanted this so badly, you wanted him back since the day he left, Theo separated, looking up at the rain, "Can I have this dance?"

"You can have every dance." You put your hands around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist, you both slowly started to sway to no music, smiling at each other in the cold. It didn't matter about the bad memories, it didn't matter it was 3am, all that mattered was that you were with him. You only wanted to be with him.

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