Peter Parker - Childhood Friend

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You had been in queens your whole life, growing up in a small apartment building. You didn't have many friends, but that was only due to the fact that you were homeschooled by your father.

But the kid across the way always made you smile, Peter Parker. He would always have a smile on his face and loved to share little facts with you. Aunt May would let the little boy write his everyday facts on popsicle sticks in which he would sent to you the next day.

Today, you crawled out of bed, you were only 12 years old. You saw a cup full of popsicle sticks, some were painted various colors, but you noticed one red on. You yawned, putting your hands up in the air, but reached out towards the cup, grabbing the red stick and reading the fact.

"Turtles can breathe through their butts." You mustered a smile, laughing at the new fact of the day. "Good morning, sweet heart."

You rubbed your eyes and saw your father standing in the doorway of your room, he had a smile on his face. "Hi dad."

"So, me and your mom have a surprise for you. You jumped out of bed almost instantly, you wanted to know what this little surprise was. They led you to the living room, where you sat down on the couch, your hair a mess and pajamas covered in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"So honey, you know how me and your mother talked about going on vacation?" You nodded excited, hoping you would soon be resting on a beach in Florida, or even going on a long cruise in the widespread ocean.

"Where are we going?" You were hoping for Disney World, how you so longed to go to Disney. "We're going to Europe!"

You sat there, blank, no reaction, you tried to think of the things that are in Europe, but nothing was coming to mind. "Europe?"
Your parents seemed so excited about this trip, so you smiled happily at their reactions. " We leave tomorrow and won't be back until the start of the school year."

Your smile dropped almost instantly, it was only the beginning of summer, you wanted to hang out with Peter this summer, but your plans aren't exactly going to work out if you are in a whole different country.

"But, i wanted to see Peter more. Try and make more friends." Your mom walked over to you, sitting down on the couch next to you. "Honey, this is a big trip for your father."

You had soon realized that this trip would be fun, you just had to be open to the idea of new things, maybe Europe was to be the one thing you are looking forwards to this summer. "Okay, can I tell Peter we're leaving?"

"Oh yes, of course" You got up, running into your room and changing into regular clothes, once you were done with that, you ran over to the neighbors. You knocked on the door profusely, Aunt May opened the door, a large smile plastered on her face, "Good Morning, Y/N. Peter is just now waking up."

You smiled as she welcomed you into the apartment, you saw pancakes made on the stove, freshly made, eat one a light brown color. Peter walked out of the room, he wore a pair of blue sweatpants and a larger shirt. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, his brown hair a curly mess.

"Oh hey." A light blush came to his face, you smiled at his awkward demeanor. "I heard about your summer trip to Europe, you excited?"

"oh, yes-s." You moved your hair behind your ear, Peter stood in silence. "Your leaving?"
You nodded, "yeah, I'm leaving for the summer." Peter looked heartbroken, he didn't want to have his best friend leave for the summer.

"When are you gonna come back?" He walked into the kitchen, his whole attitude changed, he was now sad, but didn't want to show it.

"At the start of the school year."

Peter walked away, he grabbed a pancake and put it on the plate, spreading butter on it slowly. "Gives you a chance to make more friends Peter."
Aunt May was trying to lighten the mood, "I gotta go back my bags. I'll see you soon Peter."
You ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, pulling out a purple popsicle stick from your pocket and placing it in his hand.

He looked at the popsicle stick and read what it said, "August 13th, I will return home."
There was a tiny smiley face placed on the end of the stick. You have Aunt May a hug and ran out of the apartment and back to your own.

You started to pack your bags that day and left the next. You would be flying to London, a 7 hour flight, and so far, the flight was just boring, you had to sit between your parents. Your dad was asleep on your side, snoring away as the flight carried on.

Before you knew it, you landed in the freezing London weather, your dad shook himself awake, "Honey, we're here." Your dad pointed out of the window at London, you weren't very impressed, in fact it just looked like a duller Queens.

"We're gonna be here for the rest of summer?" Your mom shook her head, "we're traveling all around Europe for your father's job."


It was 2 weeks into the trip, you had found out that even though Europe is dull it has it's perks. Like the countdown to go home. Mom and Dad seemed to enjoy their time, they would always wander or even disappear at times, you were fine with that.

But it was one day when you were left alone, that you were lost. You didn't know what to do, you were in a large road, people walking around and cars moving everywhere. "Mom?" You yelled out into the crowd, but nobody seemed to respond to you, they only walked around you, but there was the occasional person who ran into you.

The young man ran into you so harshly, it caused you to fall down, landing on the hard rock street. You looked around you, people did not care about what you were doing, they only walked around you, once again. "Young lady, are you okay?"

You looked up to see a young lad with glasses, a long brown trench coat resting on his body. He held out a hand to you, you took it gladly, mesmerized by his thick accent. "Did you lose your parents?"

You nodded as he pulled you off the ground, you looked at his outfit, he had a black tie with a tie clip, on the clip sat a little symbol, it looked to be skull with 6 tentacles coming from the skull, each one curving in different directions. "My company's symbol."

For some reason, you had recognized that symbol, but you didn't know from where. "How about you use my telephone and you can call your parents" You nodded and followed the younger man to a building, you stood on the sidewalk, the man was going into his white truck, pulling out his phone.

"Here, you have to come to me, my phone is dead." You walked to where he was, which was in some parking lot, you looked around for people, yet there was nobody in sight. You walked around his door, he held a phone in his hand, you gladly took it, calling your parents number, but before you could react, there was a thick white cloth pressed over your mouth, your breathing became shallow as you panicked, your vision blurring until soon you couldn't see a thing.

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