Chapter 12

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"If you continue to be in my path, that scholarship isn't the only thing I'll take away." He threatened me, and I froze.

I was lucky enough to be here in the first place. I needed to graduate from here, I needed to make dad happy.

I swallowed my pride and responded to him.

"Fine, I will stay out of your way . However if you continue to come into my way, I'll-I'll" I struggled to come up with what to say next.

"You'll what?"His lips quilted up, and a glint flashed through his eyes.

I struggled and started to stutter to my horror.

"I-I'll punch you!" I finally said. It sounded like nothing.

He laughed ignoring what ever I said.
"Exactly" He started to walk off



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English seemed to be the most easiest subject I have ever experienced.

I used to be one of the top students at my school.

I don't want to think about my old school.

"Alright, I say a word. I point at you, you spell it out!" Mrs.Bellor shouted and pointed her long ruler at Irek.

"Spell Pageant!" He stood up shakily.

"Um, P....A...D...G...ENT" Irek said and smiled when he thought it was correct.

"WRONG. NEXT." She pointed her ruler at Rahul.

Irek slowly sunk into his seat in shame.

"P A G E A N T" Rahul said without even looking up. He seemed bored and nonchalant.

"Correct! Everyone should open up their dictionary! And actually learn!" She directed her comment at Irek,

Irek flushed red, and sunk even lower in his seat. A few girls giggled at his behavior.

Irek heard this and sent them a wink.

"SPELL VULNERABLE!" She pointed her stick at me. I stood up immediately.

"V U L N E R A B L E" She grinned at me.

I sat down feeling happy. She continued to choose students for a couple of minutes.

"Anyways, in thirty minutes. I want a speech, of how you experienced vulnerability."

Everyone took out their notebooks, that were expensive five star. I took out my staples brand notebook, that costs ten cents at staples.

The last time I felt vulnerable was back at my old school.

The way the students looked at me, with pure disgust.

The way they dumped their lunch, calling me a brat.

Calling me names, calling me a murder.

I quickly closed my eyes, feeling tears threatening to fall. When I opened them, I spotted Rahul looking at me.

When our eyes met, he didn't move away. He only arched an eyebrow in interest and a slow lazy smirk aligned.

I looked down and thought to myself. Let me just write down my thoughts.

Vulnerable is like another word for weakness. It is like being emotionally bare.

The last time I felt vulnerable was back at my old school. I was a top student, I scored every test. It wasn't easy, it was hard.

The students found out of what I did, and hated me. They striped me of my colors and made me a bare color.

They made me someone without a title, someone worthless.

They made me a commoner.

They made me a commoner

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