Chapter 34

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"RAHUL MY MAN!" He yelled excitedly and shocked. He rolled over and hugged Rahul from behind. He even through his leg on Rahul.

"Fuccck offf!" Rahul groaned trying to leave but Irek pulled him closer.

"Shhh, it's okay, it's me," Irek whispered into his ear and soon, he fell asleep.

I awkwardly walked away and headed straight towards my tent. This day was long and tiring.

And I couldn't get that Rahul liked me.

End of recap:

"Alright! TIME TO GO BACK!!" Imran shouted as we all followed him tiredly.

"Shuut up my head hurts!" Irek whisper-shouted, as he held his head.

Madison was angry this whole trip. She didn't have any fun, and she clearly made sure we all knew about it.

She slapped a bug on her leg and ran to Imran. She grabbed his map and lead the way wordlessly.

"Okay..." Imran was confused but shrugged. He held an arm to Sarah who grabbed it, smiling up at him. He pushed up his glasses smiling like a doof.

Rahul and Irek were holding each one up. Rahul looked tired, he had ear muffs on. Irek was sluggish as he tried to catch up.

And I?

I was far away from everyone, the complete last of the line. I had a lot in my mind. Rahul Malik likes me, and I knew we wouldn't end well.

I watched in silence as everyone walked ahead in front of me. My eyes widen as Madison angrily ran ahead causing Imran and Sarah to run.

Irek and Rahul were oblivious to this and continued to walk ahead. That was until a huge hole appeared out of nowhere and swallowed Rahul and Irek. They both screamed and landed with a thump!

I gasped and ran to the area where they had disappeared.

"Rahul! Irek!" I shouted as I peered down in the hole.

"For fucks sake Reema take out the rope! It's in my bag!" Rahul cursed out loud angrily. He shoved Irek off of him, in which he received a groan.

"Miii buttt!" Irek whined and rubbed his tush. I rolled my eyes. I looked around me, and there was a black leather bag on the ground. Rahul must've dropped this before falling in the hole.

"Did you find it?" Rahul shouted from below, I dug into his bag and found the rope.

"Rahul...I see human bones!!" Irek screamed jumping on Rahul who only pushed him again.

"Don't touch me!" Rahul hissed at Irek. He glared at Irek and looked up. I held the rope in my hands.

The rope was large, heavy duty. I instantly knew I couldn't tie a knot. I could only pull it, but that's about it. I walked over to a nearby tree and attempted to tie it.

"Tie them together Reema, can you even tie a knot?!" Rahul yelled out. I paused and walked over to the hole. He took off his ear muffs, and looked up when he saw me. I peered in and replied, "I cannot!"

"Oh, so you can knot?" Rahul yelled up and gave me a proud look. I gave him a guilty look and replied, "No, I cannot knot."

He looked confused at my words, "not knot?" He asked.

Irek perched up, "who's there?"

"IREK!" Rahul growled at Irek frustrated with this whole ordeal. Irek was a taken back by Rahul's behavior.

"Irek who?" Irek looked confused onto why Rahul was mad.

"IREKK!" This time I became frustrated and angry. I glared at him, he is such a kid.

"IREK WHO!" Irek became even more confused and got irritated. At his response, Rahul pushed him.

"Ouch! Not on the human bones!" Irek cried out in disgust.

"Reema! Where's Rahul?" Madison asked me genuinely worried about her money maker. I rolled my eyes at her and replied, "He fell into a hole."

"Ohhh my baby!" She pushed me over and peered down below. Imran and Sarah came shortly after, huffing and puffing. Sarah held the map this time and was out of breath. Now it was all four of us peering down below with wide eyes.

"Why ARNT you helping them up?!" She shouted and glared at me. I sighed and shook my head.

"What aren't you replying bobblehead!" She yelled at me like all this was my fault.

"Madison shut the fuck up. And Imran tie the knot!" Rahul wasted no time and wanted to leave.

"Oh my god, are those human bones?!" Sarah yelled out shocked.

"Please brother, help me!" Irek shrieked out desperately. I stood back and watched as Imran expertly tie a knot around the tree and through the remainder of the rope down below.

"Get away from me, I go first!" Rahul's voice demanded out to Irek.

"Butt I swear I saw one of em human bones move!" Irek said quickly scared. I heard them shuffle around and yell at each other.

Irek came out first, then a messy looking Rahul. He glared at Irek as he came out. He sighed as he took his backpack out and brought the rope into his bag. His hair was messy with some dirt, and his eyebrows were furrowed. His dark eyes glanced at me momentarily before looking away.

"Brother! You have saved me!" Irek yelled out making me blink. He hugged Imran relived. I rolled my eyes and started to walk ahead.

"What's wrong?" Sarah approached me gently. I looked at her and slowly shook my head. I took a hold of the map by her.

It was girls like Sarah whom I would've targeted back then.

"Rahul!" Madison hugged Rahul, I quickly looked away. I felt a surge of anger in the pit of my stomach, and my hands clenched around the map. I then heard him push her away angrily.

"Don't touch me," Rahul gritted his teeth angrily. I hid a smile as I looked over the map in my hands.

 I hid a smile as I looked over the map in my hands

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