Chapter 41

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Carol had orange hair and everyone that was on her was clearly expensive and brand. Her Gucci backpack, her Kayne shoes, her diamond watch. Beside her was two minions who looked exactly alike, both blonde and the same orange shirt.

My breadth hitched as she smiled at everyone with her warm smile. Her eyes twitched at the sight of me, her smile now sour. The next thing you know it, the door in the either side slammed open.

The famous five princes rolled in, with their heads held high. Rahul, known as the king in the group, blew his nose loudly.

It was honestly kind of disgusting.

He threw the tissue in the trash bin but missed. He payed no attention to it. But his fan girls did, they rushed over to the tissue and smelled it.

What the actual fuc-

"Long time no see," Carols warm tone said as she gave me a mean stare.

"Ditto Care-bear," Irek let out a mean laugh as he glared at Carol who winced.

I looked both left and right, I was trapped. To my left was Carol and her minions. And to my right was Rahul and the princes.

End of recap


"Hey, guys!" Sonia came by Carol whilst holding her new solid Gucci purse. I felt like  I want to go inside a hole and hide.

"Hello, Rahuli" Carol smirked as she twirled her hair, shifted her gaze away from me. I felt my cheeks blaze and my heart pound. I felt my eyes widen and look away immediately. 


"Carol!" I sang as I laughed evilly. I stalked towards Carol with a trash bag.

She cowered inside the girl's gym locker, her hurt gaze away from mine.

This is wrong I shouldn't do this! But it feels so right. They should feel the pain.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked which made me think.

Because I'm the queen of this school.

"'s fun," I said as I dumped the trash on her head. She didn't make any noise as I finished up.

"And because you challenged me, my position," I said and took off my pink lactase gloves. I slowly averted my eyes from her.

"Here's for charity!" I threw them on her and walked away.

End of flashback


I arrived home late as always. I opened the door and slammed it behind me.

"Reema! Do you know what time it is?" My nagging mother asked me angrily as she threw her shoe at me, I ducked in time. 

"Time for bed!" I ducked as she continued to throw whatever was in her path.

"McDonald's parents called again," I froze at the mention of Carol's last name. I felt myself start running upstairs for my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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