Chapter 33

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"Did you cry?"He asked me, making me shocked.

"W-what?" I asked but was cut off by Cabir.

"Alright, so I dare Reema to have seven minutes of heaven with me again-" Cabir was cut off by Rahul.

"No." Rahul said in a dangerously low voice.

"No?" Cabir mimicked Rahul, smirking.

"Then Reema drink." Cabir said staring at Rahul. Cabir leaned back and watched. I sighed and took my red cup.

"No, I'll drink it for her," Rahul wasted no time, grabbed my cup from my hands. He chugged my drink down.  Irek cheered and even drank some of his own.

End of recap:

By the end of the night everyone was waisted. By everyone, I mean, Irek, Cabir and Rahul. Rahul took all of the shots that were supposed to be mine. I'm not complaining, I let him do the honors.

The stereo was playing out loud.

Cabir was lying down, staring at the sky talking to himself. While Irek is standing on top of him dancing. His legs were on each side of Cabir, so Cabir isn't hurt. Irek even ripped half of his shirt, singing with a bottle in his hand.

Madison had a bottle of alcohol in her hands, as she chugged on it. She then walked over to Irek to make out. But Irek grabbed her hands and started to swirl her around.

"Swirl, swirrrrl yah vanilla straw belly milkshake!"

Imran and Sarah was making fun of everyone and video recording everyone.

"Hey Reema, let's go for a walk!" Rahul interrupted my thoughts and wasted no time and yanked my arm and was dragging me by the river.

He then gave me a wide grin that made me pause in shock. He looked so carefree and it was nice.

"Hey reeems, you will be the happiest girl within a millioooon radius!" Rahul said throwing his hands up.

"Why?" I asked confused. It was funny seeing Rahul like this.

"Because I will be holding your hand." Rahul said staring at my eyes. His eyes twinkled with mischief. It was breathtaking, I felt my checks heat up.

"Ok let's see if that, Rahul, is true." I went to go hold hands with Rahul. But he tripped and threw an arm around me. He wasn't walking straight and had me for support.  He kept a hidden smile to himself, making me open my mouth in shock.

"I thought you wanted to hold hands?" I asked shocked at his actions.

"And you believed that?" He looked ahead smiling to himself. I felt my heart warm at his words. Suddenly he took a turn.

"Where are you going?" I asked him as he kept on walking in curves, because he wouldn't walk straight.

"I'll show you!" He said excited to no ends.

He continued to lead me somewhere. And all I was doing was leaving a trail of pebbles while we walk. Because I wasn't going to trust a drunk guy, and I didn't want to get lost.

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