Chapter 13

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I looked down and thought to myself. Let me just write down my thoughts.

Vulnerable is like another word for weakness. It is like being emotionally bare.

The last time I felt vulnerable was back at my old school. I was a top student, I scored every test. It wasn't easy, it was hard.

The students found out of what I did, and hated me. They striped me of my colors and made me a bare color.

They made me someone without a title, someone worthless.

They made me a commoner.


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"Alright, everyone

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"Alright, everyone. Since this may be a personal topic. I want you guys to keep the paper. I gave everyone grade points." Mrs.Bellor announced just as class was about to end.

Everyone cheered not wanting to share their papers.

Some people who didn't even do the assignment sighed in relief.

"Hey Reema, I'm inviting you to my baptist ceremony." Irek came right next to the door.

"So, why are you getting baptized," I asked stupidly.

"To clear my sins duh! And only the people I like get to go. To be honest, you seem like a little sister to me." Irek walked me to my locker.

"Oh really?" I asked laughing as I put my English notebook in my locker.

"Yup" We swapped numbers. He was the funniest person I knew.

When I started to walk home. I heard my phone ring.

*Irek named the group chat "The shadow hunters"*

*Irek renamed the group chat, "AREA 5️⃣1️⃣"*

*Irek renamed the group chat, "Best fiends"*

Jerk: FFS!

Irek renamed the group chat, "‼️KOOLKIDS🎭‼️"*

Irek: Ok I'm done.

Jerk: ...

*Irek renamed the group chat, "Herberb Vixins😉😘"

I texted Irek separately and asked who the other two were and saved their contact.

I went home and cooked dinner for two. And was exhausted from school.

The week flew by like a breeze. I was so tired. No wonder this school has a high average GPA, they give a lot of homework and assignments.

Soon it was Saturday. I woke up at twelve pm, feeling guilty. I wondered if dad even came home today.

I got a notification.

Herberb Vixins😉😘


I was confused, what does he mean.

Irek : hehehee

They were planning something I knew it.

They were planning something I knew it

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