Chap 1

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"Y/n! Get up for school!" My older brother, Jisung was shaking me while trying to get his candy in his mouth. 

"Shit, how much time do I have?!" I ask sitting up. 

"10 minutes." Jisung said, looking at his watch. 

"What? Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I asked, looking at Jisung and sighing.

"I dunno. I'll make breakfast." Jisung said, walking out of my room and shutting the door behind him.

You put on a pastel yellow sweater, along with some light high waisted jeans, you walked downstairs, just to see Jisung putting your food in a bag.

 "You have to go, you have 3 more minutes to get to school! Hurry!" Jisung forces the food and school bag into my hands and rushes me out the door as he shuts it behind me.

 "Wow... Love ya too..." I say sighing while shaking my head and walking off. 

"Here is your schedule, have a nice day Miss Park." the secretary at the desk says handing me my papers. 

"Thank you ma'am." I said, bowing lightly and turning around to walk off.

I sighed and stared down at my phone, bumping into someone as all my books and papers fell to the ground, soon being followed as me as I looked up at whoever I had bumped into.

"Huh? Sorry." boy with light brown hair shuts the book and offers a hand to help me up. "I've never seen you around. You the new kid. y/n right?" he asks as I stand up. 

"Yeah. Park y/n." I bow slightly. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sicheng, but call me Winwin." He smiles cutely. 

"It's nice too meet you too Winwin," I say smiling and shaking his hand. "I need to get to class though, see you around." I said beginning to pick my things up.

"Sure, also if you'd like, sit with us at lunch." Winwin bows before walking off towards his next class.

"Good morning class, before we get started we have a new student. Please introduce yourself." The teacher walks into the class and sits down at his desk, I nod and walk to the front. 

"Hello, My name is Park y/n, I used to go here so some of you might remember me, but, please forget our pasts, lets all be friends." I said, bowing and walking back to the empty seat in the back of the class.

The bell rang, signalling for the end of class, I was one of the first people out as I ran into a boy with a guy pushing a girl up against the lockers, after I realized who he was, I scoffed and pushed past him, making sure to push him away from the girl.

"Yo, Lee Taeyong still goes here?." 

"You know Tae?" Winwin asked resting his elbow on my shoulder. 

"Ew, I wouldn't say know, but yeah, I used to go here." I laugh when Winwin looks surprised. 

"Ah okay, anyways, yeah, he sits with us somedays when he's not being a cunt." Winwin mumbled, I nodded and smiled, motioning to his food after I heard his stomach growl.


"Hey new girl!" A recognizable voice says from behind me. 

"Huh?" I ask turning around to see the boy I had been avoiding all day, Lee Taeyong, I'm just now noticing it but he looked pretty good with silver hair. 

"You ran into me earlier. Where's my apology." He asked, his hands in his pockets.

"Pretty bold of you to assume I'd apologize for something I meant to do." I said, he scoffed and took a step towards me, just as Winwin's arm was put over my shoulder.

"Sorry Taeyong we have to go, let's go y/nie."  Winwin said, turning you around and pulling you away.

 "What are you my dad?" I ask, looking up at him and sighing when I noticed how determined he was to keep me away from Taeyong.

"Sure, I'll be your at-school-dad... Sound good?" Winwin asks smiling down at me. 

"....I didn't mean it literally, but I guess so, I could probably use it and my brother wouldn't complain." I laugh as both of us walk towards my house. 

"Wait so how do you know you live near me?" I ask looking up at him. 

"Because I was on the other side of the road from you when you were walking to school this morning, thats another way I figured out you were new." He says making both of us laugh. 

"Yay that means I can have a walk to school and walk home buddy!" I say clapping your hands like an excited 5 year old. 

"Sure, but just so you know every other Friday I have soccer meets, but you can wait for me and watch practice if you want." Winwin says checking his phone. 

"Sure, anyways here we are! Thanks for the walk home Winwin! See ya tomorrow morning!" I wave to him as I walk up my driveway.

"Who was he?" Jisung asks as soon as I walk through the doors, making me jump. 

"Oh, thats Winwin, hes my first friend at school and basically my dad, he saved me from Taeyong today." I mumble the last part and sit down on the couch. 

"Ok. Well, I have to go to work. I'll see you tomorrow after school! See ya y/n." Jisung says picking up his jacket and putting it on.

 "Love ya Ji, also can Winwin come over tomorrow, I was thinking we could study, we have a test next week on Wednesday." I ask, pouting when he glared at me, he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but no messing around, I have to go." He said, you smiled and waved as he walked out the door.

HA I FINALLY GOT ENOUGH FREE TIME. Tell me what you think, is it better now? XD 

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