Chap 12

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Song of da day - MYRNE - Confessions

"Who lied?" You ask looking up at Jimin. "My ex. Remember? Carter?" As soon as Jimin says the name then you remember. "Well what happened?" You ask still hugging her. "I was walking through the park and I saw him kissing another girl." She says looking at the ground. "I'll go call Kevin." Taeyong says going to grab my phone before walking out the doors as you stay and comfort Jimin.

~Time skip to like 20 minutes later~

As I'm hugging and talking to Jimin, Kevin and Taeyong walk through the doors, well Taeyong walks, Kevin busted through the doors and goes to hug Jimin. "We'll leave you two alone to talk about this." Taeyong says grabbing my hand and walking out the door with me.

As me and Taeyong are in his room just talking Kevin walks through the door. "I'm gonna take her out to get lunch, and probably get her ice cream, See ya guys later, and thanks for calling me Taeyong." He says and smiles at both of us. "Okay. and no problem." Taeyong nods before Mark walks out. "I'm still waiting for our date by the way Taeyong." You say looking at him teasing him. "Hey! I got plans. Just don't know when they're gonna work." Taeyong says making a pouty face. "I was just joking babe." You say stretching your head up to kiss him. All of a sudden EXO's 'Lucky One' starts playing from his phone. "Oh its Chanyeol. Give me a second babe." He says answering it and talking for a second before his face goes pale. He just says okay be there soon and hangs up. "Babe we got to the hospital." Taeyong says looking at me with worry in his eyes. "What happened." You ask sitting up. "Winwin fucked up his ankle." He says standing up and helping me up as well, then we leave out the doors after telling Minhyuk and his friends.

As we walk into the hospital we automatically see Ten and we both walk towards him. "What the hell happened?" Taeyong asks when Ten finally sees us. "I have no idea, he went to the bathroom down the hall then a few minutes we heard screaming and when he looked outside he was on the ground. Someone wanted this to happen or at least something happen to Winwin because the water that he slipped in wasn't there until he walked back out." Ten says looking also extremely pale. "Just take us to his room." Taeyong says and Ten nods and starts walking away with us following.

When we walk in there all of NCT is there and Junhoe, who walks over to you as you walk in. "Winwin." You say walking to the side of his bed. (A/N - Why do I feel like I'm making y/n and Taeyong sound like the mom and dad of Winwin?) "Hey y/n." Winwin smiles somewhat at you. "who the hell did this." You ask but he just shrugs. "Hey this means I'll get a break, that means more time to spend with you and Taeyong and Junhoe." He smiles sympathetically. "Um no. This means that besides in school you'll be at home. What ever you'll need you'll have to ask me or Junhoe to buy you." You say crossing your arms. "WHAT? GUYS?!" Winwin looks at Taeyong and Junhoe looking panicked. "It would be for the better, so you can heal faster." Junhoe says and Taeyong just nods.

You all had been there for a few hours, most of NCT had left now the only people still here where you, Taeyong, Junhoe, Haechan, and obviously Winwin. "Be serious with us who did it." Junhoe says crossing his arms. "I don't know guys I am being serious." Winwin just shrugs and looks out the window. "You're never this quiet unless your hiding something." Junhoe says staring at him. "How do you know." He asks looking at him. "Because, the two days before Taeyong asked y/n out you were extremely quiet." Junhoe smirks when Winwin looks at him shook. "Excuse me guys, sorry but visiting hours are over." A nurse walks in with what was probably Winwin's food. "Exactly, ask me after I have time to think about it. Then I'll tell you." Winwin says crossing his arms. "Promise?" Junhoe asks. "Promise." Winwin and Junhoe smile at each other. "Okay, see you after school tomorrow." You smile at Winwin. "Okay guys! Byeee!" Winwin waves as you all walk out.

"Ughh its been such a long day." You whine as you and Taeyong walk into the house. "You're finally home, by the way Peniel is staying the night okay?" Minhyuk says from the kitchen. "Okay but don't make much noise, we're going to bed soon." Taeyong yells back. "Yeah yeah okay. Love ya guys goodnight!" Minhyuk yells, you and Taeyong say goodnight before going upstairs and into his room. "I need to tell you something though." Taeyong wraps his arms around you as you both lay down. "Whats that." You ask looking at him. "I won't be at school tomorrow. I won't home till around 4ish actually." He says and you pout at him. "Aw why." You ask wrapping your arms around him as well.

"I have to meet up with GOT7 and Stray Kids." He says and you look at him confused. "They're two groups that work for JYP, but I heard Stray Kids is a rookie group, like they just debuted March 26 this year." He says and you nod. "What about the rest of NCT?" You ask looking confused at him. "They'll still be at school, I asked Ten to look over you since me and Winwin won't be there." He smiles at you and runs his hands through your hair. "Ah okay. Just so you know I can take care of myself." You make a pouty face. "Yeah but I want to make sure everyone knows that your mine." He smiles and laughs when your face goes bright red. "Lets go to bed." You says and snuggle into his chest, soon both of you fall asleep.

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