Genevieve Is The Coolest Friend

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Dylan was a sneaky guy. Somehow, through Julie, he got my number. I'm pretty sure Julie was happy to give that information because when I asked she acted like it was no big deal.

She's too nice.

Even though I do despise him, I still responded to him. As much as I tell myself that he's a dumb ass, there still that part of me that wouldn't mind having another friend. I remember once complaining to James about him and even he suggested I try and make friends.

The world was a cruel place, so cruel.

Julie was sitting next to me and watching some show when Dylan sent me pictures of five girls. He sent another text after the pictures, which one do you like the most?

I glanced at Julie to see she was engrossed in the TV show, and messaged back. None, why?

Because, he was probably typing the next part of the text. They're all going to be at that party.


He responded with a large paragraph, explaining how we can be each other's wingman and possibly make Alice jealous for being mean to him and being an ass to me. I knew he added that last part because he hoped it would convince me, but I hold no more grudges. He was probably that lonely.

I don't need a wingman.

His reply came not a minute later. Of course, you're right. Girls are already lining up for you.

I snorted at the text. Funny joke.

He explained that I had a cool bad girl vibe, which was why 'girls are already lining up' for me. When I said that I'm pretty sure they are actually afraid of me, he suddenly made the idea that there is a thin line between fear and love. He was like Julie in a sense, except it wasn't cute. He was more like the dumb ass that was kind of funny.

Julie was giggling at something on the TV when I made my response. Why are you doing this?

He waited longer before giving a reply. Boosting your ego so you'll go to the party and make me not alone.

You have friends.

I was met with a damn paragraph in a matter of seconds.

In truth, they aren't true friends, but you are. You, Genevieve Rogers, are my coolest friend because I connect with you more. We both like tits and we both got dumped by the same girl. Not only that, but you've tolerated behavior from me that I don't display around others by not punching me with your noodle arms, and for that I am grateful and happy to have been accepted by you. You are a real friend and It would mean the world if you came to the party with me. He made a few spaces down before he ended it with, by the way, you can totally bring Julie if she wants to go because she is also a real friend.

I blinked a couple times and finally realized Julie was looking at the screen too.

"Should probably go," she said.


Before I could blink or even think, the phone that was once in my hands was in Julie's. She was so damn fast.

Her fingers moved quick across the keyboard and she had already sent the message. "I said that you'll be going, so you can't say no."

I frowned. "Julie, I hate you."

She responded with a sweet smile that made my heart jump. "No you don't."

"Whatever." I snatched my phone back and threw my back against the back of the couch cushion. "It's not like you can force me, you're not James."

"If you don't go, I won't talk to you or come over," Julie declared, her face firm.

The thought scared me. "You wouldn't."

Her bottom lip seemed to tremble. "I would because it's for your own good."


With that, she stood and marched to the door. She gave me one look before disappearing behind the door, somewhere outside. She was coming back, she definitely was.

Then came fifteen more minutes and she still wasn't back. Something dropped to the bottom of my stomach and there was this burning at the back of my throat.

Quickly, I texted her. Please come back.

Not a moment later the door opened and closed, and there she was, Julie in all her glory. Immediately, she began to speak.

"You have to go because you have no friends other than me," Julie said, sitting down next to me. "Hanging out with you is awesome but it's not good to be isolating yourself." She looked at me. "Plus, Dylan is super nice."

When I didn't respond, she added, "I'll go with you."

My eyebrows raised. "Would your mom even be okay with that?"

Julie smirked, an expression that wasn't usually seen on her face. "I'll make something up."

I thought of all those times I've cursed in front of Julie and let her play Grand Theft Auto. I realized how much of a bad influence I am. Oh. I'm such a horrible person.


When I explained the situation to James, he laughed.

"You were so easily manipulated," James smiled like he was amused. "I have a feeling that you might like her more than I thought."

I didn't respond to his wiggling eyebrows and instead brushed past him to go to my room. "It's not like you'd even let me go."

"Actually, I would."

I stopped. Am I going deaf?

"Just as long as you don't get completely wasted or get arrested, I'm fine with it."

I looked at him, unbelieving. "You are a bad guardian."

"And I'm your brother, your super cool brother that you should be thanking."

I made a face and continued on to my room. All the whole I could hear James laughing to himself.

Maybe I have gotten to used to isolating myself.


A/N: It's really early isn't it? Great huh?

The chapter seemed rushed, and it probably is. Whoopsie.

Anyway, today I took that super hard exam I mentioned and I think it may be the first time I've failed a test. It's got a pretty low pass rate you see, so it's very unlikely that I, the one who hardly studied, would pass. No college credit for me :(

Also, I had an interesting argument in the comment section of a book. I kinda started it but, it sure was nice at the end because I think it ended okay. But don't look and see though, you might never like me again and it'll make me sad. Whenever I comment on someone else's story, I sort of feel like I'm invading it for some reason, which is why I don't do it often. Of course, y'all who comment here aren't invading my story, I love comments. They always make me smile.

And, self advertising here, maybe, look at my other stories? Specifically my art book, I'm sure you will love the first few drawings. I hope so at least, I worked so very hard on them.

Okay, that's it with my mini therapy session. Thank you for reading and here's a smiley face :)

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