Chapter 1

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After that first family meal at home everyone spent a few days in town then headed their own separate ways. I tried my best to convince Han to stay here but he said that going to Tokyo was something he had to do. It felt good to be home and sleep in my bed but the house seemed empty with everyone gone.

Our first street race back was funny, it sort of reminded me of my first race back all of those years ago. The night that Brian appeared in our lives. There were some new racers, people who had never heard of us that thought they had the upper hand. I beat the first one in the first two seconds, Brian in the first three and as soon as Dom took the wheel no one lasted a chance.

We showed people that we were back and we were a force to be reckoned with again. I can't lie though, it did feel weird being back on the streets of LA because the last time I roamed these grounds as a free woman I was working for Campos/Braga and sleeping with Fenix. I made the mistake of mentioning this to Dom one afternoon, he stormed out of the house and to the garage.

"Do I even want to know what just happened?" Mia asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"I told him that the last time I was a free woman on the streets of LA I was working for Braga and sleeping with Fenix." I said with a smile.

"You just had to . . ."

"Hey, I was only speaking the truth. It's not my fault that your brother can't handle it." I chuckled.

"I heard that!"

"Good! Man up and stop throwing tantrums!" I shouted back.

"The two of you bicker like teenagers sometimes." Mia chuckled.

"That's cause your brother's an overgrown man child." I shouted with a smile.

"I heard that!" he shouted again, making me laugh.

"Yeah, because you're the picture of maturity." Mia said.

"Who's side are you on woman?"

"None, I'm not getting involved in any of your drama."

"What are we going to do with ourselves?" I asked, suddenly very pensive.

"What do you mean?"

"For the past what, year maybe year and a half? We've been on the run, we've been hiding from the entire damn world. Now we're legal again, we're home and settling down but what are we gonna do? I can't see the guys going back to the life of crime when we've still got Brazil money and what we've made on the side in the bank. I honestly can't picture it."

"I've been thinking about it too. After living on the run and with our lives full of adrenaline settling down doesn't seem that much fun. Although at the same time, settling down here seems like a good way to start."

"Being back here is the good life, that much is true. Everything's changed though, life isn't the same here and I don't know where we fit in anymore."

"We open the garage, go back to what we know and make a life out of it. We don't have to fit in any mold Kay, we're a family, the rest of the world has to adapt to us." she said with a smile.

"You realize that that isn't true right? No one has to adapt to us, but most of them will. It's your brother's gravity. Opening the garage again sounds like a good idea even though most people will just come to gawk." I complained.

"Talk to the guys and see what they think." she said.

That's exactly what I did. Dom, Brian and I opened the garage again and while most people really did come just to gawk at us as if we were a freaking national landmark most came for the work. Any racer worth their spit knew that Toretto's was the place to get your car taken care of the right way before and that still hasn't changed.

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