Chapter 35

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"I'll help him but after that, he's gonna have to take a long and hard look at what he wants because I'm not one to share. My husband isn't going to lead two lives, I won't be with a man like that."

"What else did he say?"

"That there was more to it and things weren't what I thought they were."

"What do you need?" he asked, knowing that I need a distraction.

"I need access to your computer mainframe. I've got a woman to find and a computer program to hack into."

"Here's the key." he said, handing a solitary key over on its own keychain.

It took me a few hours to get what Dom asked me for after I got his green light message. I received a few messages with some more requests from him afterwards and I took it upon myself to get everything done as quickly as I could to avoid detection.

Thankfully I could hack into God's Eye and get a digital copy of it, making sure that I carefully hid my steps of course. Hacking into anything that Cipher does is a major risk but I used Dom's chain to gain access to her system. After that I made a few phone calls and gave instructions leaving the best one for last.

"Dimelo hermosa."

"Santos, mi hermano, necesitamos un favor tuyo."

"Soy todo oídos, Leo y yo estamos para ustedes."

"Necesito que consigas una ambulancia y . . ."

After I got everything that I needed and took care of everything that Dom asked of me I went to take a shower. There I let all of my tears fall, I let all of the stress out, everything in that one moment. What the hell?

Elena, it all comes back to Elena. She had his baby and Cipher took them. Dom's working with Cipher to get them back, to get her back. I'm helping him get her back, how stupid can I be? It's happening all over again. I don't think this is a good idea but I'm already here, I've already started. This has to work, then I'll figure out what the next step is.

I looked at my wedding band and thought about what an amazing wedding we had. How happy I was and I thought he was and now I'm mad. I'm not a person to doubt my worth and he keeps doing this to me, Elena keeps doing this to me! Here I am helping him help her and their baby. I hope it was all worth it for him, possibly losing one family to keep another.

Finishing my shower I got out with a new resolve. I'll do this because no baby is at fault and he doesn't deserve to be in this situation. After that, Dom has a choice to make because there's no way that he gets to keep both of us. It's as simple as that.

I would never ask him to pick between his children, that's not what I mean. He needs to make a clear choice on who he really wants to be with. If he chooses Elena then I'll stay away because I deserve better than all of this bullshit that he's putting me through.

Tomorrow Dom puts his plan in motion and has the meet with Momma Shaw. After that we'll find out what the next step is. The guys are prepared if the plan is a go then I'll let them know where they have to be. Santos, Leo, and Raldo are all ready to get into position. They've got our backs, we can count on them to make this work.

While I got dressed and ready a notification beeped on my phone. Dom's name popped up.

Dom: I want you to come to New York

Me: Not gonna happen, I'm staying with the kids. You don't need me there.

Dom: Please Kay, come to New York

Me: No, I'm staying here and I'll do what you need me to do from here

Dom: We have to talk, I know. When this is over I'll tell you everything

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